Paul Joseph Watson
The former New York City chief emergency manager Jerome Hauer, whose office was on the 23d floor of WTC 7, was also a building collapse specialist, according to a recently uncovered New York Times article. Hauer has attracted suspicion from the 9/11 truth movement because of his zeal to push the official story in the hours after the attack when details were still sketchy.
Hauer was also Managing Director of Kroll Associates - the company that provided security for the WTC complex on 9/11 - and he also betrayed advance knowledge of the anthrax attacks a week before they happened.
In a July 27 1999 NY Times article unearthed by 9/11 Blogger entitled What Could Go Wrong? It’s His Job to Know, Hauer is given a glowing write-up by journalist Randy Kennedy.
“There is one story he tells in which this fascination is quite literal….But another illustration, a bit more metaphorical, is hard to miss when you walk into his office on the 23rd floor of 7 World Trade Center, otherwise known as ”the bunker,” the $13 million bulletproof, hurricane-proof, blackout-proof emergency crisis center opened by the city last month.”
The article describes Building 7 for what it was, a structurally reinforced immovable object built for the express purpose of standing strong in a crisis situation, not the weakling tinderbox that allegedly became the first steel building in history to collapse from fire damage alone, according to debunkers like the BBC, the History Channel, Popular Mechanics and others.
Indeed, as the NY Times quotes Larry Silverstein as stating in 1989, WTC 7 designers “Built in enough redundancy to allow entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building’s structural integrity,” a solid structure that was again improved upon that year with “More than 375 tons of steel - requiring 12 miles of welding.”
The article describes Hauer’s role, “As the city’s chief emergency manager, Mr. Hauer oversees the response to building collapses, of which there have been no shortage over the last three years.”
Jerome Hauer: Pictured in 1996 with Rudy Giuliani.
“For much of his professional life, it has been the task of Jerome M. Hauer, 47, to know a lot about how things work so that when they stop working — when they fall down, when they get blown down or blown up, when they freeze or burst or burn out — he knows what to do. Like all self-described emergency junkies, he sits around all day thinking up horrifying ways for things to be destroyed and people to die and then hoping that all his plans stay on the shelf.
Interesting therefore that Hauer would have his office in the middle of a 47-storey building that collapsed into its own footprint within 7 seconds in the late afternoon of 9/11 having been hit by minimal debris and suffering limited fire damage.
The article emphasizes the emergencies Hauer would list in his resume that he was an expert on, “Helicopter crash, subway fire, water main break, ice storm, heat wave, blackout, building collapse, building collapse, building collapse.”
In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, Hauer appeared on CBS News with Dan Rather and immediately set about crafting a surprisingly affirmative explanation for the events and spun a yarn that soon became the official story.
Watch the clip.
Hauer was suspiciously keen to stress that the buildings were not demolished by explosives but by the planes that hit them, despite this being a complete reversal of what chief WTC architects and designers had concluded during studies about the impact of planes into the twin towers beforehand.
Hauer also pointed the finger directly at Bin Laden as the script began to unfold.
“[M]y sense is that just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building that burned, that the velocity of the plane certainly had an impact on the structure itself. And then the fact that it burned and you had that intense heat probably weakened the structure as well. And I think it was simply the planes hitting the buildings and causing the collapse,” Hauer told Rather.
Rather also asks Hauer if the attacks could have been carried out without state sponsorship. Hauer replies: “I’m not sure I agree that this is necessarily state-sponsored. It… certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like bin Laden.”
Hauer was surprisingly “accurate” with his foreknowledge of how the official story would later appear to confirm all of his initial presumptions despite the chaos surrounding the attacks in the hours after they took place.
On 9/11, Hauer was Managing Director of Kroll Associates, a security firm intertwined with the military-industrial complex that was also coincidentally in charge of security for the entire World Trade Center complex on that fateful day.
Furthermore, it was Hauer that reportedly advised the White House to begin taking Cipro, an antibiotic which is effective against anthrax, on the very day of 9/11 and one week before the first anthrax letter was received.
Two months after 9/11, Hauer was part of a Council on Foreign Relations panel that released a document entitled Independent Task Force on America’s Response to Terrorism, which in part called for alternative explanations behind 9/11 to be countered.
Hauer’s almost instant and precise summation of the cause of building collapses that were completely unprecedented in history, along with his “expertise” in the characteristics of controlled demolition, in addition to his foreknowledge of the anthrax attacks and his position with Kroll Associates, justifiably continue to attract interest amongst researchers in the 9/11 truth movement.
Meet Jerome Hauer, 9/11 Suspect Awaiting Indictment
Winter Patriot
February 27, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Jerome Hauer, director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness.
On September 11, 2001, Jerome Hauer was a national security advisor with the National Institute of Health, a managing director with Kroll Associates, and a guest on national television. His background in counter-terror and his specialized knowledge of biological warfare served him well on that day. Perhaps a little too well.
Anthrax Attacks
On September 11, 2001, Jerome Hauer advised the White House to begin taking Cipro, an antibiotic which is effective against anthrax.
Mr. Hauer's advice was not made public. Its value may have been underestimated at the time, but it was clearly demonstrated a week later, when the first anthrax letters appeared, and again three weeks after that, when anthrax appeared in letters to Democratic Senators Daschle and Leahy.
The obvious question is: Did Jerome Hauer know about the anthrax attacks in advance?
Prior Knowledge?
Strangely, perhaps, this is not the first time questions of prior knowledge have surfaced in Jerome Hauer's wake.
Jerome Hauer joined New York City's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in 1998 and quickly obtained funding from the office of then-mayor Rudy Giuliani for the study of West Nile virus. The following year the virus appeared in the city, and Jerome Hauer led the fumigation effort.
Did Jerome Hauer know this was going to happen? Or did he just get "lucky"?
And how could anyone know such a thing was going to happen? Unless ... unless ...
The Sound Of Two Feet Dragging
Strangely, perhaps, Jerome Hauer managed the NIH response to the anthrax attacks. The anthrax used in the attacks was identified as an Ames strain, which means it had to have come from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Jerome Hauer received relatively good information for tracking down the origin of the anthrax. He even got a list of people from various institutes, including USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. But his response was slow and hidden behind a public relations campaign spreading Orwellian claims like "Suspects are Osama bin Laden and his Al-Q'aeda network and sympathizers to US right wing extremists".
Why would he act so slowly, and in such an inappropriate fashion? Perhaps because Jerome Hauer knew someone whose name was on that list?
Stephen Hatfill, at one time considered a prime suspect in this still-unsolved case, had worked for USAMRIID at Fort Detrick. Strangely, perhaps, he had also worked with Jerome Hauer, for Scientific Applications International Corporation, at the Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis.
The World Trade Center
Jerome Hauer's connections with terror and counter-terror started with and concentrated on biological warfare, but they don't stop there.
On September 11, 2001, in addition to his job with the NIH, Jerome Hauer was also Managing Director of Kroll Associates, a well-established security firm serving clients in the military and the US government. In the 1980s, Kroll was known as the "CIA of Wall Street" because of the sorts of the people it hired, and the sorts of tasks they were assigned.
Strangely, perhaps, on 9/11, Kroll was in charge of security for the entire World Trade Center complex.
The head of security at the WTC on September 11, 2001, was former FBI counter-terror specialist John P. O'Neill.
O'Neill, considered the world's leading expert on Osama bin Laden, had resigned his post as Deputy Director of the FBI during the summer, very unhappy with the Bush administration's head-in-sand "approach" to terror, after investigations into Osama bin Laden and al-Q'aeda had been blocked.
Who Killed John O'Neill?
John O'Neill started his new job at the WTC on September 10, 2001, the day before he was killed there. His having landed that particular job at that particular time raises some very interesting questions.
Among them: Why does this matter?
If, as many people believe, 9/11 was a false-flag operation designed to implicate Osama bin Laden, then a legend, or a cover story, involving bin Laden would have to be fabricated, disseminated very quickly, and swallowed whole -- not just by the American people but by the people of the world.
And John O'Neill was a most -- if not the most -- formidable obstacle in the way of such a cover story.
He was not only the world's leading expert on bin Laden, but he was also regarded as a "loose cannon", because of his record of working outside normal channels when normal channels were "blocked". He knew FBI investigations into bin Laden and al-Q'aeda had been shut down in the summer of 2001 and it is extremely unlikely that he would have remained quiet about it. He also knew whether or not Osama bin Laden was capable of inflicting the amount of damage the US suffered on 9/11.
In other words, if the conspirators were hoping to spread a Big Lie about Osama bin Laden, they would have had a short list of things they absolutely had to do.
Surely, one of the items on that list would be to silence John O'Neill.
And what better way than to entomb him at the scene of the crime?
So many questions!
Who got John O'Neill the WTC job?
Strangely, perhaps, John O'Neill was lured to the WTC position by his old friend Jerome Hauer, Managing Director of Kroll.
Very strange indeed, don't you think?
National Television
Which employer -- if any -- was Jerome Hauer representing on the morning of September 11, 2001, when he slipped the seeds of the official conspiracy theory to Dan Rather and his viewers on CBS?
A few weeks ago I blogged about a video which was hosted at Google at the time but which has now been taken down. Fortunately I was able to obtain transcripts from the video while it was available.
One segment of the video documents the following exchange, from the morning of September 11, 2001:
Dan Rather: Based on what you know, and I recognize we're dealing with so few facts, is it possible that just a plane crash could have collapsed these buildings, or would it have required the, sort of, prior positioning of other explosives in the, uh, in the buildings? I mean, what do you think?
Jerome Hauer: No, I, uh, my sense is just the velocity of the plane and the fact that you have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building, uh, that burned, uh, the velocity of that plane, uh, certainly, uh, uh, had an impact on the structure itself, and then the fact that it burned and you had that intense heat, uh, probably weakened the structure as well, uh, and I think it, uh, was, uh, simply the, uh, the planes hitting the buildings, and, and causing the collapse.
Jerome Hauer is certainly a remarkable guest, isn't he? On the very morning of the event, he had the whole thing figured out.
The collapse was simply due to the planes hitting the buildings, just the velocity of the plane and of course the fact that it was filled with fuel, and the fact that it burned and of course you had that intense heat which must have weakened the structure ... It's incredible, of course. It's also half of the official story!
But let's get back to the attack itself. Who did it? Who could have done it? If you were watching CBS that morning, you would have heard this:
Dan Rather: What perspective can you give us? I mean, there have been these repeated reports that, well, yes, Osama Bin Laden, but some think he's been over-emphasized as, as responsible for these kinds of events. I know many intelligence, uh, people at very high levels who say, listen, you can't have these kinds of attacks without having some state, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, somebody involved. Put that into perspective for us.
Jerome Hauer: Yeah, well I'm not sure I agree that, umm, this is necessarily state-sponsored. Umm, it, as I mentioned earlier, certainly has, umm, the, uh, fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden.
And that, of course, is the other half of the official story.
How did Dan Rather happen to have a guest with him on the morning of 9/11 who knew the entire official story before it became public knowledge?
Jerome Hauer was introduced to CBS's viewers as a former director of NYC's OEM. Strangely, perhaps, CBS News audiences were not told he was also a managing director of the security company responsible for the twin towers. And of course no one was told to start taking Cipro -- except the White House.
Planting The Seeds
The twin disintegrations of the twin towers certainly looked like explosives-driven demolitions to many reporters who covered covered them live -- but Jerome Hauer assured Dan Rather and his viewers that it was just caused by the intense heat that weakened the structure!
The attack of 9/11 was of such scope and ferocity that it was virtually unimaginable -- except to the people who planned it -- just a day before it happened. But when it did happen, Jerome Hauer was able to contradict the intelligence experts and claim it bore the fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden!
Jerome Hauer knew the entire official story before it became public knowledge.
Jerome Hauer helped the official story become public knowledge!
Watering The Seeds
In November of 2001, Jerome Hauer participated in the Council on Foreign Relations' "Independent Task Force on America's Response to Terrorism", along with Henry A. Kissinger and others; their task included the following items:
Release a White Paper explaining our goals and rationale for the war in Afghanistan, and outlining the evidence that the al-Qa'eda network was responsible for the 9/11 attacks
Disseminate stories of particular victims to convey the range of people killed in the 9/11 attacks -- stress range of religions, races, income levels, etc.
Counteract [the] myth that Mossad was behind the attacks by showing Jews killed, etc.
Routinely monitor the regional press in real time to enable prompt responses
Routinely Monitor This!!
You have a plane filled with fuel hitting that building, the velocity of that plane certainly had an impact on the structure itself, and then the fact that it burned and you had that intense heat, probably weakened the structure as well, and I think it was simply the the planes hitting the buildings and causing the collapse.
I'm not sure I agree that this is necessarily state-sponsored. It certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like Bin Laden.
Yeah, sure it does! Really, Jerome -- we believe you!
No, we don't!
Book 'em, Danno!
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