" ... In 1998, the Afghan anti-Communist movement Taliban and a western oil consortium led by the U.S. firm Unocal signed a major pipeline deal. Unocal ... hired an Afghan official, one Hamid Karzai. ... Osama bin Laden ... advised the unworldly Taliban leaders to reject the U.S. deal and got them to accept a better offer from an Argentine consortium, Bridas. Washington was furious and, according to some accounts, threatened Taliban with war. ... "
At Last, Some Truth about Iraq and Afghanistan
By Eric S. Margolis
PARIS -- After a sea of lies and a tsunami of propaganda, the ugly truth behind the Iraq and Afghanistan wars finally emerged into full view this week.
Four major western oil companies, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, BP and Total, are about to sign U.S.-brokered no-bid contracts with Baghdad to begin exploiting Iraq’s oil fields. Saddam Hussein had kicked these firms out three decades ago when he nationalized Iraq’s foreign-owned oil industry for the benefit of Iraq’s national development. The Baghdad regime is turning back the clock.
This agreement comes as talks are continuing between the Washington and Baghdad over future U.S basing rights in Iraq. After some face-saving Iraqi objections, it is expected that Baghdad will sign a compact with Washington giving U.S. forces control of Iraq and its air space in a manner very similar to Great Britain’s colonial arrangement with Iraq.
Interestingly, the same oil companies that used to exploit Iraq when it was a British colony are now returning. As former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan recently admitted, the Iraq war was all about oil. VP Dick Cheney stated in 2003 that the invasion of Iraq was about oil, and for the sake of Israel.
Meanwhile, according to Pakistani and Indian sources, Afghanistan just signed a major deal to launch a long-planned, 1680 km long pipeline project expected to cost $8 billion. If completed, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline (TAPI) will export gas and, later, oil from the Caspian Basin to Pakistan’s coast where tankers will transport it to the west.
The Caspian Basin located under the Central Asian states of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakkstan, holds an estimated 300 trillion cubic feet of gas and 100-200 billion barrels of oil. Securing the world’s last remaining known energy Eldorado is strategic priority for the western powers. China can only look on with envy.
But there are only two practical ways to get gas and oil out of land-locked Central Asia to the sea: through Iran, or through Afghanistan to Pakistan. Iran will not cooperate. That leaves Pakistan, but to get there, the planned pipeline must cross western Afghanistan, including the cities of Herat and Kandahar.
In 1998, the Afghan anti-Communist movement Taliban and a western oil consortium led by the U.S. firm Unocal signed a major pipeline deal. Unocal lavished money and attention on Taliban, flew a senior delegation to Texas, and also hired an Afghan official, one Hamid Karzai.
Enter Osama bin Laden. He advised the unworldly Taliban leaders to reject the U.S. deal and got them to accept a better offer from an Argentine consortium, Bridas. Washington was furious and, according to some accounts, threatened Taliban with war.
In early 2001, six or seven months before 9/11, Washington made the decision to invade Afghanistan, overthrow Taliban, and install a regime that would build the energy pipelines. But Washington still kept up sending money to Taliban until four months before 9/11 in an effort to keep it ‘on side’ for possible use … against Iran.
The 9/11 attacks, about which Taliban knew nothing, supplied the pretext to invade Afghanistan. The initial U.S. operation had the legitimate objective of wiping out Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda. But after its 300 members fled to Pakistan, the U.S. stayed on, built bases -- which just happened to be adjacent to the planned pipeline route -- and installed former Unocal ‘consultant’ as leader.
Washington disguised its energy geopolitics by claiming the Afghan occupation was to fight ‘terrorism,’ liberate women, build schools, and promote democracy. Ironically, the Soviets made exactly the same claims when they occupied Afghanistan from 1979-1989. The cover story for Iraq was weapons of mass destruction, Saddam’s supposed links to 9/11, and promoting democracy.
Work will begin on the TAPI once Taliban forces are cleared from the pipeline route by U.S., Canadian and NATO forces. As American analyst Kevin Phillips writes, the U.S. military and its allies have become an ‘energy protection force.’
From Washington’s viewpoint, the TAPI deal has the added benefit of scuttling another proposed pipeline project that would have delivered Iranian gas and oil to Pakistan and India.
India’s energy needs are expected to triple over the next decade to 8 billion barrels of oil and 80 million cubic meters of gas daily. Delhi, which has its own designs on Afghanistan and has been stirring the pot there, is cock-a-hoop over the new pipeline plan. Russia, by contrast, is grumpy, having hoped to monopolize Central Asian energy exports.
Energy is more important than blood in our modern world. The U.S. is a great power with massive energy needs. Domination of oil is a pillar of America’s world power. Afghanistan and Iraq are all about control of oil.
(Source: ericmargolis.com)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Path to 9/11: PART 19 - Los Alamos, Fleishman Hillard, ES&S Revisited & an Original Blue Dog
By Alex Constantine
Congressional Oversight of Los Alamos in 2001
Rep. W.J. "Billy" Tauzin of Lousiana oversaw Los Alamos in 2001, when he became chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Wikipedia:
... Tauzin was one of the cofounders of the House Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate-to-conservative Democrats. However, on August 8, 1995 Tauzin himself became a Republican, claiming that conservatives were no longer welcome in the Democratic Party. ... Tauzin served as chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee from 2001 until February 4, 2004 when he announced he wouldn't run for a 13th full term. ... [O]n January 3, 2005, the same day he left Congress, Tauzin began work as the head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, a powerful trade group for pharmaceutical companies. It was reported that they had offered more than $2.5 million per year for his services. Two months earlier, Tauzin had played a key role in shepherding the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill through Congress, which had been criticized by opponents for being too generous to the pharmaceutical industry. ... This link was explored at great length in an April 1, 2007 interview by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes. The report, Under the Influence, pitted Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) and Rep. Dan Burton against Tauzin and accused him of using unethical tactics to push a bill that "the pharmaceutical lobbyists wrote". Their claim is supported by CSPAN video, the fact that it was the longest roll call in the history of the House of Representatives, and the 3 a.m. voting time. Along with Tauzin, many of the other individuals who worked on the bill are now lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry. Michael Moore's 2007 film Sicko levied similar criticism. [Source: CBS NEWS "Under The Influence 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft Reports On Drug Lobbyists' Role in Passing Bill That Keeps Drug Prices High" NEW YORK, April 1, 2007]
Billy's Secret Travel Budget & Fleishman Hillard, Inc.:
Lobbying Firms Listed as Travel Sponsors
Congressional travel rules do not allow members and staffers to accept trips paid for by lobbyists or lobbying firms. But a review of disclosure filings from January 2000 through June 2005 by the Center for Public Integrity found 90 instances in which the original form filed by lawmakers or aides listed a sponsor or a co-sponsor with a name matching that of a firm registered to lobby the federal government. The chart below includes entries for each such trip that list the exact wording found on the forms. ...
Billy Tauzin
Cecile Tauzin
Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.
Rep. W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, R-La.
In the Months before 9/11, Fleisman-Hillard - a PR firm based in St. Louis - Courted Billy Tauzin:
Feds will help state's electricity crisis says Tauzin
"California is not alone in facing power shortages this summer, says the new chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee, Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., who was in Menlo Park this morning to speak at a forum sponsored by Technet and Fleishman Hillard Public Relations. ... "
Fleishman Hillard is Owned by Omnicom:
"According to the House report, companies owned by New York-based Omnicom have a virtual monopoly -- 89 percent -- of government PR contracts awarded between 2001 and 2004. The company, whose headquarters are on Madison Avenue, the heart of the advertising industry, reeled in $8.6 billion in revenue in 2003 from clients like Kodak, Dow Chemical and Heinz ketchup."
Fleishman Hillard Represents ES&S, a critical Hunt family connection.
"In August 2006, one day after the Associated Press reported that the electronic voting machine company Election Systems & Software (ES&S) "agreed to a $750,000 settlement that resolves complaints filed after its software caused delays for some Indiana voters and election officials during the state's May primary," O'Dwyer's PR Daily reported that Fleishman-Hillard was representing ES&S."
NSA Spying Scandal and AT&T
" ... You want to compare the nature, and terms of the Verizon contract with the various media-messaging firms within the GOP-WH-DOJ that are linked with AT&T. One of the names that may appear is Fleishman Hilliard. This firm's name is one that has been linked with AT&T ... The speculation is that the Gonzalez testimony about "this program" or "that program" relates to the method by which NSA data is stripped of identifying information; and how this non-specific information is then transferred possibly through an Intermediary to a firm associated with DoJ and DoD. As you dig into the Fleishman Hillard Contracts, you Will find a common contract number that crosses multiple Presidential programs and appropriations -- DoJ, DHS, DoD. The contract numbers are essentially the same. ..."
Fleishman Hillard Represented Pakistan's Gen. Musharaff:
In October 1999, Gen. Musharaff overthrew the civilian regime in Islamabad. A little over a year later, George W. Bush was appointed President after an election marked by unprecedented levels of voter irregularity. With came yet another change in Pakistani representation in Washington, this time with heavy-duty Republican ties.
According to Bill Berkowitz of Working Assets, there have been at least three GOP-associated PR firms which have handled the Pakistan account since 9/11. Berkowitz mentions Dan Pero of Sterling International, Fleishman-Hillard (F-H), and Gary Polland of Houston-based Polland & Cook.
Berkowitz: "... Pakistan is not a newcomer to the PR game. In April of this year, the country hired Fleishman-Hillard (F-H) "to win Congressional approval for tariff relief," O'Dwyer's Daily reports. Donna Rohrer from F-H's Washington, D.C., office, recently noted that the campaign was now on hold -- "caught up in the national vise of our war on terror." F-H has been told to "back off from the media," she added. F-H was promoting the "Pakistan Emergency Economic Development and Trade Support Act," introduced by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), which was aimed at rewarding Pakistan for its support for the president's "war on terrorism," O'Dwyers PR daily reported. The bill, that would have given Bush "the authority to reduce or suspend import duties on Pakistani apparel," was opposed by the U.S. apparel manufacturers. Pakistan already exports about $2 billion in apparel to the U.S., according to O'Dwyers. ...
Biochips and Fleishman Hillard
Companies map new uses for tracking chips
Critics concerned technology would compromise privacy
Todd Lewan, Associated Press
Sunday, February 3, 2008
... [The] idea that tiny radio chips might be in their socks and shoes doesn't sit well with Americans. At least, that's what Fleishman-Hillard Inc., a public relations firm in St. Louis, found in 2001 when it surveyed 317 consumers for the industry.
Seventy-eight percent of those queried reacted negatively to RFID when privacy was raised. "More than half claimed to be extremely or very concerned," the report said, noting that the term "Big Brother" was "used in 15 separate cases to describe the technology."
It also found that people bridled at the idea of having smart tags in their homes. One surveyed person remarked: "Where money is to be made the privacy of the individual will be compromised."
In 2002, Fleishman-Hillard produced another report for the industry that counseled RFID makers to "convey (the) inevitability of technology," and to develop a plan to neutralize opposition, by adopting friendlier names for radio tags such as Bar Code II and Green Tag.
And in a 2003 report, Helen Duce, the industry's trade group director in Europe, wrote that "the lack of clear benefits to consumers could present a problem in the 'real world,' " particularly if privacy issues were stirred by negative press coverage.
(Though the reports were marked "Confidential," they were later found archived on an industry trade group's Web site.)
The Duce report's recommendations: Tell consumers that RFID is regulated, that RFID is just a new and improved bar code, and that retailers will announce when an item is radio tagged, and deactivate the tags at check-out upon a customer's request.
Fleishman Hillard's Iraq War Propaganda
"Video news releases Fleishman-Hillard (and its subcontractors Gourvitz Communications and Harbour Media) produced for ONDCP were found to be in violation of the ban on covert government propaganda."
Other Clients:
Department of Defense ... Sun Microsystems ... Office of National Drug Control Policy ... Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, a 'post-graduate, research-focused university ... scheduled to open in 2009,' according to PR Week."
Also Wall-Mart.
U.S. Government PR Contracts
According to the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform Minority Office, Fleishman-Hillard received the following amounts per year, for federal PR contracts: [5]
$39,000 in 1998
$33,589,000 in 1999
$2,344,000 in 2000
$5,011,996 in 2001
$23,903,419 in 2002
Remember the Armstrong Williams Pro-Bush Propaganda Scandal?
"... Last week, Williams, who says he supports the No Child Left Behind program anyway, admitted to supporting the program in his radio broadcasts, television appearances and columns, and to receiving a six-figure payment from the Education Department to do so. The agreement is in violation of the Publicity and Propaganda clause routinely included in annual appropriations bills. CREW seeks copies of all contracts with public relation firms, including Ketchum and Fleishman-Hillard. ... "
Los Alamos in 2001
Los Alamos Laboratory up for bid: A Primer
The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a GOCO (Government Owned, Contractor Operated) facility owned by the Department of Energy and operated by the University of California.
The University of California has held the contract since 1943 when the laboratory was first established. The most recent contract renewal between the DOE and UC was signed in January of 2001, just before the Bush administration took office. The contract has been held by the UC for 61 years without competition.
According to the DOE's report (McSlarrow & Brooks) security lapses in the late 1990's were not adequately addressed by lab administrators. The corrective measures drawn out in Appendix O of the January, 2001 UC-DOE contract for LANL failed to solve the root problems of mismanagement because according to the DOE;
"The Federal oversight role was limited to a mechanistic review of performance as set forth in the contract when, in fact, a broader, more aggressive role was called for, particularly in light of problems that developed at Los Alamos in the late 1990s."
Security lapses at LANL during this time period included the Wen Ho Lee case, multiple disappearances of keys, widespread theft and misuse of government credit cards, failures to repel mock terrorist attacks, among others.
DOE Secretary Abraham's memo on opening the contract Upon reviewing the McSlarrow & Brooks report DOE Secretary Abraham wrote back to the NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration) on April 29th, 2003 saying that, "given [the] responsibility and the widespread nature of the problems uncovered at Los Alamos, I intend to open management of Los Alamos to full competition when the current contract expires."
Abraham's decision was made public on April 30, 2003 in a press release stating, "DOE intends to compete Los Alamos National Laboratory management and operations contract upon completion of current University of California contract in 2005."
The Payoff
UC, National Laboratories in Forefront of Post-9/11 Research
Who Gains from Missing Data at Los Alamos? - The University of Texas Moves to Take Over Los Alamos - The Hunt Family of Texas has immense influence over UT:
Who Gains from Missing Data at Los Alamos?
A security breach at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico last week is another setback for the University of California's management of the nuclear weapons facility. The identity of the culprits is still not known. But we do know that the public relations damage to the university will likely decrease its chances of retaining control of the lab, while increasing the odds for the University of Texas and several companies announcing this week their intent to bid on the lab's management contract.
Los Alamos and the 9/11 Truth Movement's Allegations:
Passenger Calls from Flight 93: " ... Their voices had been cloned by the Los Alamos laboratories and used to make fake calls to their relatives. ... "
Nico Haupt: On February 28th, 2001, Los Alamos entered into a support contract with Nuclear Solutions, who merged last year with RTS.
As learned, secretly hidden in some business news, 911-Insider trader suspect, former FBI agent Derrick M Cleveland, sold some stocks of Nuclear Solutions Inc. shortly after the Sep11th- attack, a company which is connected with Los Alamos.
http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/fbi/uselgindy502ind.pdf http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/25/business/25FRAU.html
In May 2002, Cleveland was arrested together with other 2 FBI agents Jeffrey A. Royer and Lynn Wingate, who had been accused of having prior knowledge on the Sep11th attack. All three suspects worked together with Amr Elgindy, which brother Khaled Elgindy works at the White House connected Arab-American Institute.
Royer was free on bail for only on day on June 18th, 2002, when he was able to meet his girlfriend Christy Sarkey (an ex-support staffer in the Oklahoma City FBI office), which was not allowed. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/nypost/index.html?ts=1027273989
Los Alamos was also on the anthrax-suspect list, which was compiled by Barbara Rosenberg of the FAS.
The first anthrax victim was Bob Stevens from the America Media Building in Boca Raton, which is only 1 block away from the Pit Plant (Product Ingredient Technology), which was just also Shrub-ed from the official Iraq-WMD-supplier list.
http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/anthplantx.html (picture of map)
As investigative reporter Tom Flocco found out, not only this company, but a huge list of other US-companies was removed silently from the list.
"...However, CONCEALING AN IRAQI CHEMICAL WEAPONS PLANT IN FLORIDA becomes even more outrageous when one considers that a confidential May 31, 1990 billing statement links lawyers from former Bush 41 Secretary of State James Baker,s Houston law firm Baker & Botts to telephone conferences, the drawing up of enzyme contracts, and holding secret formulas connected to another lawyer from Iraqi terrorist Ihsan Barbouti,s main Houston office of his Boca Raton chemical company..."
(Baker Botts also represents Aramark, which was just tied to Bin Laden's brother in law Khalid bin Mahfouz. Other clients of Baker Botts are BP, ExxonMobil, Conoco or Enterprise Oil but also Boeing or Novartis.
BakerBotts has also a strategic alliance with Afridi & Angell, a law firm of Nicholas B. Angell, with offices in U.A.E. at Abu Dhabi, Dubai (->) and Sharjah, as well as in Islamabad, Pakistan. )
As ABC-Nightline reported already in 1991, Iraqi's Barbouti invested also in 2 other US companies:
TK-7 of Oklahoma City, which makes a fuel additive; Pipeline Recovery Systems of Dallas, which makes an anti-corrosive chemical that preserves pipes. The third one was Prodcut Ingredient Technology (PIT) of Boca Raton, which makes food flavorings
Source: http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/anthplantx.html
Some reports claimed, that Dr. Barbouti and PIT developed a cyanide called Prussian Blue and exported it to Iraq, one year before the first gulf war started.
Los Alamos was officially involved in Desert Storm, as an advisor, "using ozone to mitigate the threat of biological weapons".
But Alamos was also, together with the Lawrence Livermore National Labor, still testing nuclear devices in the desert of Nevada.
More disturbingly, both institutes are also on the supplier list to Iraq, which was first reported by Geneva-based reporter Andreas Zumach at the end of last year.
He said, that also the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, and Agriculture quietly helped arm Iraq.
Furthermore U.S. government nuclear weapons laboratories Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia trained traveling Iraqi nuclear scientists and gave non-fissile material for construction of a nuclear bomb.
Dr. Ruth David, President of Sandia (and former Director for Science and Technology at the CIA) initiated also ANSER's Homeland Defense (->) Strategic Thrust in 1998/99, which became already in 1999 the Institute for Homeland Security, almost unknown by the public.
Sandia is one of the institutes, which is working on new thermo-nuclear or microwave weapons.
From 1991 to 1994, Dr. David was Director of the Development Testing Center that developed and operated a broad spectrum of full-scale engineering test facilities.
Together with Jay C Davis, also ANSER, they later developed thermobarics, a bomb system which can pulverise huge skyscrapers and human mankind.
Davis was formerly director of the Livermore LLNL/UC Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and the founding Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency/ DTRA of the United States Department of Defense.
In the 1970's, he was principal scientist and project manager for the design and construction of the Rotating Target Neutron Source-II Project, building the most intense 14 MeV neutron sources in existence, used for nine years by the US and Japan for fusion materials testing.
---For music fans only: One of the members of the Laser Advisory Board at Lawrence is Jeff Baxter, former Steely Dan and Doobie Brothers.
Miriam E.John, another ANSER executive, is also Vice President of Sandia's California Division. (->) http://www.anser.org/aboutanser/bios/trustees/johnbio.html
At least 3 other ANSER executives worked also for the CIA or still have ties to the Intelligence Agency or the Pentagon.
One example is H.B. Zachry, who also held several positions leading to his appointment as Manager of the Command and Service Module in the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office.
Another is Dr. Mignogna: http://www.anser.org/aboutanser/bios/corpofficers/mignognabio.html
He has served on high-level Air Force and DOD study efforts such as the Strategic Bomber Penetration Assessment Group and the Strategic Penetration Technology.
Mignogna is an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the American University and a member of the AIAA Weapon Systems Effectiveness Technical Committee.
Dr. John Gannon, who works at ANSERs Homeland Security, served as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (1997-2001) after serving for two years (1995-1997) as the Deputy Director for Intelligence, CIA.
How much do Sandia and Los Alamos really have to hide?
Last year it was revealed, that not only equipment, but also sensitive computer data was stolen at Los Alamos, including complete missing computers and radio devices.
In November 2002, two individuals were fired at Los Alamos National Laboratories. One of the individuals, Glenn Walp authored a memo that ultimately drew extensive media and Congressional attention to the missing stuff.
http://www.pogo.org/p/environment/ea-021106-losalamos-nuclear.html (Project on Government Oversight)
Infiltration of the Truth Movement:
" ... former 911truth.org director David Kubiak, who happens to work also on a Cold Fusion Project in Japan, together with Los Alamos associate Russ George. ... "
"Steven Jones is CIA" (Jones is from Los Alamos)
Quotes "The War Against Cold Fusion - What's really behind it?"
Hal Plotkin, Special to SF Gate Monday, May 17, 1999
Who is really funding the secret head of the 9/11 Truth Movement? Los Alamos??
March 24, 2006
Eventually, though, "when truth and justice are done," says David Kubiak, the University of Utah will bask in the glory of its association with cold fusion. Kubiak is communications director of D2Fusion of Foster City, Calif., and Los Alamos, N.M., which will be hosting Fleischmann and is setting up a lab using his "recipe."...
Feature Article, October 20, 2005
... "Russ George, whose father worked on the Manhattan Project, is one such researcher. After cobbling-together his garage experiment, he went on to invite himself to all the major laboratories pursuing cold-fusion research. They included SRI International, where a coalition of electric utilities financed experiments; Los Alamos National Laboratory, the birthplace of the atomic bomb; the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, which partnered with the Naval Air Warfare Center, and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center for 10 years of cold-fusion research.......
(Kubiak and George know each other since years, also via PLANKTOS
http://www.planktos.com/content/view/14/28/ )

Rep. W.J. "Billy" Tauzin of Lousiana oversaw Los Alamos in 2001, when he became chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Wikipedia:
... Tauzin was one of the cofounders of the House Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate-to-conservative Democrats. However, on August 8, 1995 Tauzin himself became a Republican, claiming that conservatives were no longer welcome in the Democratic Party. ... Tauzin served as chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee from 2001 until February 4, 2004 when he announced he wouldn't run for a 13th full term. ... [O]n January 3, 2005, the same day he left Congress, Tauzin began work as the head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, a powerful trade group for pharmaceutical companies. It was reported that they had offered more than $2.5 million per year for his services. Two months earlier, Tauzin had played a key role in shepherding the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill through Congress, which had been criticized by opponents for being too generous to the pharmaceutical industry. ... This link was explored at great length in an April 1, 2007 interview by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes. The report, Under the Influence, pitted Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) and Rep. Dan Burton against Tauzin and accused him of using unethical tactics to push a bill that "the pharmaceutical lobbyists wrote". Their claim is supported by CSPAN video, the fact that it was the longest roll call in the history of the House of Representatives, and the 3 a.m. voting time. Along with Tauzin, many of the other individuals who worked on the bill are now lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry. Michael Moore's 2007 film Sicko levied similar criticism. [Source: CBS NEWS "Under The Influence 60 Minutes' Steve Kroft Reports On Drug Lobbyists' Role in Passing Bill That Keeps Drug Prices High" NEW YORK, April 1, 2007]
Billy's Secret Travel Budget & Fleishman Hillard, Inc.:
Lobbying Firms Listed as Travel Sponsors
Congressional travel rules do not allow members and staffers to accept trips paid for by lobbyists or lobbying firms. But a review of disclosure filings from January 2000 through June 2005 by the Center for Public Integrity found 90 instances in which the original form filed by lawmakers or aides listed a sponsor or a co-sponsor with a name matching that of a firm registered to lobby the federal government. The chart below includes entries for each such trip that list the exact wording found on the forms. ...
Billy Tauzin
Cecile Tauzin
Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.
Rep. W.J. "Billy" Tauzin, R-La.

Feds will help state's electricity crisis says Tauzin
"California is not alone in facing power shortages this summer, says the new chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee, Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., who was in Menlo Park this morning to speak at a forum sponsored by Technet and Fleishman Hillard Public Relations. ... "
Fleishman Hillard is Owned by Omnicom:
"According to the House report, companies owned by New York-based Omnicom have a virtual monopoly -- 89 percent -- of government PR contracts awarded between 2001 and 2004. The company, whose headquarters are on Madison Avenue, the heart of the advertising industry, reeled in $8.6 billion in revenue in 2003 from clients like Kodak, Dow Chemical and Heinz ketchup."

"In August 2006, one day after the Associated Press reported that the electronic voting machine company Election Systems & Software (ES&S) "agreed to a $750,000 settlement that resolves complaints filed after its software caused delays for some Indiana voters and election officials during the state's May primary," O'Dwyer's PR Daily reported that Fleishman-Hillard was representing ES&S."
NSA Spying Scandal and AT&T
" ... You want to compare the nature, and terms of the Verizon contract with the various media-messaging firms within the GOP-WH-DOJ that are linked with AT&T. One of the names that may appear is Fleishman Hilliard. This firm's name is one that has been linked with AT&T ... The speculation is that the Gonzalez testimony about "this program" or "that program" relates to the method by which NSA data is stripped of identifying information; and how this non-specific information is then transferred possibly through an Intermediary to a firm associated with DoJ and DoD. As you dig into the Fleishman Hillard Contracts, you Will find a common contract number that crosses multiple Presidential programs and appropriations -- DoJ, DHS, DoD. The contract numbers are essentially the same. ..."
Fleishman Hillard Represented Pakistan's Gen. Musharaff:

In October 1999, Gen. Musharaff overthrew the civilian regime in Islamabad. A little over a year later, George W. Bush was appointed President after an election marked by unprecedented levels of voter irregularity. With came yet another change in Pakistani representation in Washington, this time with heavy-duty Republican ties.
According to Bill Berkowitz of Working Assets, there have been at least three GOP-associated PR firms which have handled the Pakistan account since 9/11. Berkowitz mentions Dan Pero of Sterling International, Fleishman-Hillard (F-H), and Gary Polland of Houston-based Polland & Cook.
Berkowitz: "... Pakistan is not a newcomer to the PR game. In April of this year, the country hired Fleishman-Hillard (F-H) "to win Congressional approval for tariff relief," O'Dwyer's Daily reports. Donna Rohrer from F-H's Washington, D.C., office, recently noted that the campaign was now on hold -- "caught up in the national vise of our war on terror." F-H has been told to "back off from the media," she added. F-H was promoting the "Pakistan Emergency Economic Development and Trade Support Act," introduced by Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), which was aimed at rewarding Pakistan for its support for the president's "war on terrorism," O'Dwyers PR daily reported. The bill, that would have given Bush "the authority to reduce or suspend import duties on Pakistani apparel," was opposed by the U.S. apparel manufacturers. Pakistan already exports about $2 billion in apparel to the U.S., according to O'Dwyers. ...
Biochips and Fleishman Hillard
Companies map new uses for tracking chips
Critics concerned technology would compromise privacy
Todd Lewan, Associated Press
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Seventy-eight percent of those queried reacted negatively to RFID when privacy was raised. "More than half claimed to be extremely or very concerned," the report said, noting that the term "Big Brother" was "used in 15 separate cases to describe the technology."
It also found that people bridled at the idea of having smart tags in their homes. One surveyed person remarked: "Where money is to be made the privacy of the individual will be compromised."
In 2002, Fleishman-Hillard produced another report for the industry that counseled RFID makers to "convey (the) inevitability of technology," and to develop a plan to neutralize opposition, by adopting friendlier names for radio tags such as Bar Code II and Green Tag.
And in a 2003 report, Helen Duce, the industry's trade group director in Europe, wrote that "the lack of clear benefits to consumers could present a problem in the 'real world,' " particularly if privacy issues were stirred by negative press coverage.
(Though the reports were marked "Confidential," they were later found archived on an industry trade group's Web site.)
The Duce report's recommendations: Tell consumers that RFID is regulated, that RFID is just a new and improved bar code, and that retailers will announce when an item is radio tagged, and deactivate the tags at check-out upon a customer's request.
Fleishman Hillard's Iraq War Propaganda
"Video news releases Fleishman-Hillard (and its subcontractors Gourvitz Communications and Harbour Media) produced for ONDCP were found to be in violation of the ban on covert government propaganda."
Other Clients:
Department of Defense ... Sun Microsystems ... Office of National Drug Control Policy ... Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, a 'post-graduate, research-focused university ... scheduled to open in 2009,' according to PR Week."
Also Wall-Mart.
U.S. Government PR Contracts
According to the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform Minority Office, Fleishman-Hillard received the following amounts per year, for federal PR contracts: [5]
$39,000 in 1998
$33,589,000 in 1999
$2,344,000 in 2000
$5,011,996 in 2001
$23,903,419 in 2002
Remember the Armstrong Williams Pro-Bush Propaganda Scandal?


Los Alamos Laboratory up for bid: A Primer
The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a GOCO (Government Owned, Contractor Operated) facility owned by the Department of Energy and operated by the University of California.
The University of California has held the contract since 1943 when the laboratory was first established. The most recent contract renewal between the DOE and UC was signed in January of 2001, just before the Bush administration took office. The contract has been held by the UC for 61 years without competition.
According to the DOE's report (McSlarrow & Brooks) security lapses in the late 1990's were not adequately addressed by lab administrators. The corrective measures drawn out in Appendix O of the January, 2001 UC-DOE contract for LANL failed to solve the root problems of mismanagement because according to the DOE;
"The Federal oversight role was limited to a mechanistic review of performance as set forth in the contract when, in fact, a broader, more aggressive role was called for, particularly in light of problems that developed at Los Alamos in the late 1990s."
Security lapses at LANL during this time period included the Wen Ho Lee case, multiple disappearances of keys, widespread theft and misuse of government credit cards, failures to repel mock terrorist attacks, among others.
DOE Secretary Abraham's memo on opening the contract Upon reviewing the McSlarrow & Brooks report DOE Secretary Abraham wrote back to the NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration) on April 29th, 2003 saying that, "given [the] responsibility and the widespread nature of the problems uncovered at Los Alamos, I intend to open management of Los Alamos to full competition when the current contract expires."
Abraham's decision was made public on April 30, 2003 in a press release stating, "DOE intends to compete Los Alamos National Laboratory management and operations contract upon completion of current University of California contract in 2005."
The Payoff
UC, National Laboratories in Forefront of Post-9/11 Research
Who Gains from Missing Data at Los Alamos? - The University of Texas Moves to Take Over Los Alamos - The Hunt Family of Texas has immense influence over UT:
Who Gains from Missing Data at Los Alamos?
A security breach at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico last week is another setback for the University of California's management of the nuclear weapons facility. The identity of the culprits is still not known. But we do know that the public relations damage to the university will likely decrease its chances of retaining control of the lab, while increasing the odds for the University of Texas and several companies announcing this week their intent to bid on the lab's management contract.
Los Alamos and the 9/11 Truth Movement's Allegations:
Passenger Calls from Flight 93: " ... Their voices had been cloned by the Los Alamos laboratories and used to make fake calls to their relatives. ... "
Nico Haupt: On February 28th, 2001, Los Alamos entered into a support contract with Nuclear Solutions, who merged last year with RTS.
As learned, secretly hidden in some business news, 911-Insider trader suspect, former FBI agent Derrick M Cleveland, sold some stocks of Nuclear Solutions Inc. shortly after the Sep11th- attack, a company which is connected with Los Alamos.
http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/fbi/uselgindy502ind.pdf http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/25/business/25FRAU.html
In May 2002, Cleveland was arrested together with other 2 FBI agents Jeffrey A. Royer and Lynn Wingate, who had been accused of having prior knowledge on the Sep11th attack. All three suspects worked together with Amr Elgindy, which brother Khaled Elgindy works at the White House connected Arab-American Institute.
Royer was free on bail for only on day on June 18th, 2002, when he was able to meet his girlfriend Christy Sarkey (an ex-support staffer in the Oklahoma City FBI office), which was not allowed. http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/nypost/index.html?ts=1027273989
Los Alamos was also on the anthrax-suspect list, which was compiled by Barbara Rosenberg of the FAS.
The first anthrax victim was Bob Stevens from the America Media Building in Boca Raton, which is only 1 block away from the Pit Plant (Product Ingredient Technology), which was just also Shrub-ed from the official Iraq-WMD-supplier list.
http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/anthplantx.html (picture of map)
As investigative reporter Tom Flocco found out, not only this company, but a huge list of other US-companies was removed silently from the list.
"...However, CONCEALING AN IRAQI CHEMICAL WEAPONS PLANT IN FLORIDA becomes even more outrageous when one considers that a confidential May 31, 1990 billing statement links lawyers from former Bush 41 Secretary of State James Baker,s Houston law firm Baker & Botts to telephone conferences, the drawing up of enzyme contracts, and holding secret formulas connected to another lawyer from Iraqi terrorist Ihsan Barbouti,s main Houston office of his Boca Raton chemical company..."
(Baker Botts also represents Aramark, which was just tied to Bin Laden's brother in law Khalid bin Mahfouz. Other clients of Baker Botts are BP, ExxonMobil, Conoco or Enterprise Oil but also Boeing or Novartis.
BakerBotts has also a strategic alliance with Afridi & Angell, a law firm of Nicholas B. Angell, with offices in U.A.E. at Abu Dhabi, Dubai (->) and Sharjah, as well as in Islamabad, Pakistan. )
As ABC-Nightline reported already in 1991, Iraqi's Barbouti invested also in 2 other US companies:
TK-7 of Oklahoma City, which makes a fuel additive; Pipeline Recovery Systems of Dallas, which makes an anti-corrosive chemical that preserves pipes. The third one was Prodcut Ingredient Technology (PIT) of Boca Raton, which makes food flavorings
Source: http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/anthplantx.html
Some reports claimed, that Dr. Barbouti and PIT developed a cyanide called Prussian Blue and exported it to Iraq, one year before the first gulf war started.
Los Alamos was officially involved in Desert Storm, as an advisor, "using ozone to mitigate the threat of biological weapons".
But Alamos was also, together with the Lawrence Livermore National Labor, still testing nuclear devices in the desert of Nevada.
More disturbingly, both institutes are also on the supplier list to Iraq, which was first reported by Geneva-based reporter Andreas Zumach at the end of last year.
He said, that also the U.S. Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, and Agriculture quietly helped arm Iraq.
Furthermore U.S. government nuclear weapons laboratories Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos and Sandia trained traveling Iraqi nuclear scientists and gave non-fissile material for construction of a nuclear bomb.
Dr. Ruth David, President of Sandia (and former Director for Science and Technology at the CIA) initiated also ANSER's Homeland Defense (->) Strategic Thrust in 1998/99, which became already in 1999 the Institute for Homeland Security, almost unknown by the public.
Sandia is one of the institutes, which is working on new thermo-nuclear or microwave weapons.
From 1991 to 1994, Dr. David was Director of the Development Testing Center that developed and operated a broad spectrum of full-scale engineering test facilities.
Together with Jay C Davis, also ANSER, they later developed thermobarics, a bomb system which can pulverise huge skyscrapers and human mankind.
Davis was formerly director of the Livermore LLNL/UC Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and the founding Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency/ DTRA of the United States Department of Defense.
In the 1970's, he was principal scientist and project manager for the design and construction of the Rotating Target Neutron Source-II Project, building the most intense 14 MeV neutron sources in existence, used for nine years by the US and Japan for fusion materials testing.
---For music fans only: One of the members of the Laser Advisory Board at Lawrence is Jeff Baxter, former Steely Dan and Doobie Brothers.
Miriam E.John, another ANSER executive, is also Vice President of Sandia's California Division. (->) http://www.anser.org/aboutanser/bios/trustees/johnbio.html
At least 3 other ANSER executives worked also for the CIA or still have ties to the Intelligence Agency or the Pentagon.
One example is H.B. Zachry, who also held several positions leading to his appointment as Manager of the Command and Service Module in the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office.
Another is Dr. Mignogna: http://www.anser.org/aboutanser/bios/corpofficers/mignognabio.html
He has served on high-level Air Force and DOD study efforts such as the Strategic Bomber Penetration Assessment Group and the Strategic Penetration Technology.
Mignogna is an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the American University and a member of the AIAA Weapon Systems Effectiveness Technical Committee.
Dr. John Gannon, who works at ANSERs Homeland Security, served as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (1997-2001) after serving for two years (1995-1997) as the Deputy Director for Intelligence, CIA.
How much do Sandia and Los Alamos really have to hide?
Last year it was revealed, that not only equipment, but also sensitive computer data was stolen at Los Alamos, including complete missing computers and radio devices.
In November 2002, two individuals were fired at Los Alamos National Laboratories. One of the individuals, Glenn Walp authored a memo that ultimately drew extensive media and Congressional attention to the missing stuff.
http://www.pogo.org/p/environment/ea-021106-losalamos-nuclear.html (Project on Government Oversight)
Infiltration of the Truth Movement:
" ... former 911truth.org director David Kubiak, who happens to work also on a Cold Fusion Project in Japan, together with Los Alamos associate Russ George. ... "
"Steven Jones is CIA" (Jones is from Los Alamos)
Quotes "The War Against Cold Fusion - What's really behind it?"
Hal Plotkin, Special to SF Gate Monday, May 17, 1999
Who is really funding the secret head of the 9/11 Truth Movement? Los Alamos??
March 24, 2006
Eventually, though, "when truth and justice are done," says David Kubiak, the University of Utah will bask in the glory of its association with cold fusion. Kubiak is communications director of D2Fusion of Foster City, Calif., and Los Alamos, N.M., which will be hosting Fleischmann and is setting up a lab using his "recipe."...
Feature Article, October 20, 2005
... "Russ George, whose father worked on the Manhattan Project, is one such researcher. After cobbling-together his garage experiment, he went on to invite himself to all the major laboratories pursuing cold-fusion research. They included SRI International, where a coalition of electric utilities financed experiments; Los Alamos National Laboratory, the birthplace of the atomic bomb; the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, which partnered with the Naval Air Warfare Center, and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center for 10 years of cold-fusion research.......
(Kubiak and George know each other since years, also via PLANKTOS
http://www.planktos.com/content/view/14/28/ )
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Path to 9/11: PART 18 - More Washington Group International (WGI) Connections/WGI History

Washington Group International is a LOS ALAMOS Management Partner:
SF GATE: "... UC's new contract to manage Los Alamos in partnership with Bechtel, BWX Technologies and Washington Group International may be the latest example of corporate gain at the university's expense. ... "
General Electric and URS, Parent Company of WGI since November, 2007 (see Wiki entry below), also Dianne Feinstein and A PIECE OF JONESTOWN HISTORY:
Excerpt: "Sen Dianne Feinstein: Conflict of Interest and Worse"

... In the early years, it is reported that Blum [Richard Blum, that is, a GE director and husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein], supported Moscone in SF politics. When Moscone was mayor of SF, Feinstein was President of the Supervisors. Feinstein was sworn in as mayor after Moscone and Harvey Milk were assassinated by Dan White. Somewhere during this time, Blum and Feinstein paths crossed and later they were married.
Blum had started in business with an investment firm. His interest in buying struggling properties or businesses and later reselling for a profit, launched his career as a financier. His first major success was buying the struggling - Ringling Bros - Barnum and Bailey. Circus for 8 million and a few years later selling it to Mattel, Inc. for 40 million.
Besides investing in URS Corp, Blum later helped them during an accounting scandal. URS Corp bought EG&G Technical Services from the Carlyle Group in 2002. This company has received contracts form the government which would contribute to the allegations of conflict of interest. President Bush 41, former British Prime Minister John Major and former SEC Commissioner Arthur Levitt are all involved with the Carlyle Group which is a 14 billion dollar buyout firm. ...
Flashback to Part Six of this Series:

"Sequoia also has a colorful history, most recently in Louisiana, where it was the center of a massive corruption case that sent top state officials to jail for bribery, most of it funneled through Mob-connected front firms. Sequoia executives were also indicted, but escaped trial after giving immunized testimony against state officials. The company's corporate parent is the UK communications and printing firm De La Rue, which even as we speak is churning out the colonial currency notes for the new Iraq, courtesy of a hefty Coalition contract. De La Rue, in turn, is owned by the private equity firm Madison Dearborn--a partner of the Carlyle Group, where George Bush I makes millions trolling the world for war pork, privatizations and sweetheart deals with government insiders. ... "
A WGI Campaign Donation to Men's Room Stud Larry Craig
BOISE, ID 83702
Senate - ID
Same WGI executive likes BUSH-CHENEY:

After an acquisition of Raytheon's engineering and construction unit soured, WGI filed for bankruptcy in 2001, reorganizing and emerging in January 2002. The company is nevertheless one of the largest construction and engineering firms in the United States. In January 2003, the company had a contract backlog of $2.8 billion.
WGI's leadership roster reads like a Who's Who of the government contracting business.
Executive vice president and CFO George H. Juetten previously was senior vice president and CFO for Dresser Industries, a subsidiary of Halliburton Inc.
Steve Johnson joined Washington Group in November of 2001 as senior executive vice president after nearly 27 years with Fluor Corp.
Ralph R. DiSibio was named president of the Washington Group's Energy & Environment business unit in November of 2001. Prior to joining Washington Group in March 2001, he worked for Parsons Power Group and also served as senior vice president of Parsons Energy and Chemical Group, the parent of Parsons Power Group.
Louis E. Pardi, the president of the Washington Group Power business unit, worked for Fluor Daniel, prior to joining Washington Group in 1992.
And Gary Baughman, president of Washington Group's Industrial/Process business unit, spent 14 years with Fluor Corporation.
Washington Group International spent $860,000 in 2001 on lobbying Congress on issues including, but not limited to, defense appropriations and authorizations, chemical demilitarization program, policies and programs to reconstruct U.S. embassies and general issues regarding military construction programs. In 2002, the company spent $660,000 on the same issues, but it also lobbied on homeland defense initiatives and the Homeland Security Act, for a two-year total of $1,520,000.
Iraq contracts
The company was invited by USAID to bid on the initial capital construction contract, but lost out to Bechtel.
On April 4, 2003, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Transatlantic Programs Center announced that it had awarded three contracts "to rapidly execute design and construction services as needed anywhere" in the area of operations for the U.S. military's Central Command (CENTCOM). The one-year contracts, awarded to Fluor Intercontinental, Perini Corporation and Washington Group International, are indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contracts with a guaranteed minimum value of $500,000 and a maximum of $100 million. In late September 2003, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued additional task orders totaling $278 million on the three contracts, and the Corps decided to raise the contract ceiling from $100 million to $500 million.
Washington Group International will repair electrical infrastructure in northern Iraq, while Fluor and Perini will perform similar work in central and southern Iraq.
Afghanistan contracts
According to the Pentagon, the same U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contracts won by Washington Group International, along with Fluor Continental and Perini, will cover work performed by the companies in Afghanistan. There, they will rebuild damaged roads and replace a destroyed bridge in Afghanistan as part of their individual contracts to support CENTCOM. Those contracts have a minimum value of $500,000 and a maximum of $500 million.
Government ties
Board member William Flanagan, who began his Navy career in 1968, is retired commander in chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet. He also commanded the U.S. Second Fleet and NATO's Striking Fleet, and served as chief of legislative affairs for the Navy. He retired as admiral.
As of May 20, 2004 On March 12, 2004, the Program Management Office awarded the company a contract with a ceiling of $500,000,000 for "electrical power distribution and transmission" in the northern region of Iraq. A joint venture with Black & Veatch Joint Venture was awarded a contract with a maximum value of $600,000,000 for work in the public works and water sector. The joint venture also holds a contract worth $33 million for electrical work.
—André Verlöy
Washington Group International's Wiki Entry
Washington Group International was an American corporation which provided integrated engineering, construction and management services to businesses and governments around the world. Based in Boise, Idaho, it had approximately 25,000 employees working in over 40 states and more than 30 countries. Its primary areas of expertise were: infrastructure, mining, industrial/process, energy & environment, and power. It was acquired by URS Corporation of San Francisco in November 2007 for $3.1 billion, and currently operates as the "Washington Division" of URS.
At the age of 30, Dennis R. Washington founded Washington Construction Company in Missoula, Montana in 1964. He guided the company to the top of the civil construction market in Montana, and expanded into mining, industrial construction, and environmental cleanup work. As his company grew into a major regional firm, Washington's vision for the future continued to expand also - leading to a series of acquisitions that produced the international company of today.
In 1993 it expanded its heavy civil construction-operation, when it merged with Kasler Corporation, a California-based firm with large-scale operations in heavy-civil construction.
Morrison-Knudsen Co.
In 1996, the Washington Group acquired Morrison-Knudsen Co. of Boise, the major construction company. M-K was one of the consortium of firms that built Hoover Dam and the San Francisco Bay Bridge, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and many other large projects of American infrastructure. M-K was also involved in the construction of rail projects such as the BART extension (M-K also built 80 C2 cars for BART). It built the California Cars as well as other rail passenger cars and light rail. It built locomotives under the MPI name brand, such as the MPI F40PH-C3.
M-K's origins date to 1905, when Morris Knudsen met Harry Morrison while working on the construction of the New York Canal (irrigation) in southwestern Idaho. Knudsen was a fifty-something Nebraska farmer (and Danish immigrant) with a team of horses and a fresno scraper; Morrison was a 27 year-old concrete superintendent for the Reclamation Service.
Their first venture together was in 1912, on a pump plant in nearby Grand View, where they lost money but gained experience. For several years the firm built irrigation canals, logging roads, and railways. They incorporated in 1923, the year gross revenues topped $1 million.
During World War II, M-K built airfields, storage depots, and ships, and it later expanded into foreign construction. It built the locks on the St. Lawrence Seaway, the DEW system, Minuteman missile silos, NASA's Kennedy Space Center, and over 100 major dams. Knudsen died in 1943, Morrison in 1971.
M-K was led into some risky non-core areas by Boise native William Agee, who became CEO in 1988, and was ousted by the board of directors in February 1995. The company had been in financial difficulty for several years and declared bankruptcy that same year. It was purchased by Washington Group in 1996 for $380 million.
Additional growth

However, Washington Group entered bankruptcy in 2001, but later successfully exited it.
Acquisition by URS
On May 28, 2007, URS Corporation, based in San Francisco, announced it had reached an initial agreement with WGI management to purchase the entire company for $2.6 billion (about $80 per share). According to the plan, WGI would operate as a division of URS, with the headquarters remaining in Boise. On November 15th, the deal was finalized for a purchase price of $3.1 billion ($95.116 per share).
URS competitors include Bechtel, Fluor Corp., CB&I and Jacobs Engineering Group.
Friday, June 13, 2008
The Path to 9/11: PART 17 - Raytheon, E-Systems & the Return of Washington Group International
By Alex Constantine
(Most of this section was posted under the heading, ""Lexington Comair Crash (Part 39)" on January 11, 2007.)
RAYTHEON, translation: "LIGHT FROM THE GODS" ...

CEO: William H. Swanson
Military contracts 2005: $9.1 billion
From Demopedia
Raytheon Company had an office on the 91st floor of WTC2, above the impact area, yet suffered no casualties. ... Raytheon had also been hit with millions of dollars in fines for padding costs of equipment it sold to the US military ...
From: David Hoffman in San Francisco
(Thnx to Virginia McCullough)
... Raytheon also has a hush-hush subsidiary, E-Systems, whose clients include the CIA and NSA.
E-Systems figures *B*I*G* in the entire netherworld of secretly/illegally/illegitimately funded, "black budget" covert projects conducted by shadowy intelligence and military agency factions of the (covert) federal government. The vast majority of the activities conducted by these groups E-Systems contracts their services to are extremely malevolent, highly damaging to our "inalienable" human rights and highly supportive of a massive panoply of pro-globalist, pro-New World Order agendas.
Of particular note to us is the fact that E-Systems has been DIRECTLY involved to a tremendous extent in the development and production of exceptionally sophisticated electromagnetic and electronic mind control/manipulation/modification technologies and equipment for use by these clandestine, proto-fascistic secret government groups. ...
E-Systems has collaborated with the US intelligence community, including the military and the CIA, since 1947. As their press release states: "E-Systems continued to be a leader in reconnaissance, surveillance, and intelligence systems, supporting programs that remain critical to
maintaining the peace."
Richardson, a former E-Systems employee, writes: "I have government documents showing government investigators found approximately one hundred million dollars in rip-offs at E-Systems and estimated the total rip-offs at 25 to 30% of all contracts which is approximately THREE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.
"I also have court testimony where the Northeast Texas Drug Interdiction Task Force admitted knowing about the drug smuggling through E-Systems. Government aircraft on contracts let by AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command) was allegedly involved."
Richardson has suffered several attempts on his life, as well as numerous death threats and break-ins. As Richardson writes: "There was an attempt to blow me up back in 87 when I first went to the government.... The [Air Force] Colonel gave our names to the company as well as the information
after promising to keep it in confidence.... He also stated to me in his most menacing voice that 'I was messing with hundreds of millions of dollars and was in more danger than I had ever been in my life' (!) this was Col Manning Crump at the time Commander of Det2 at E-Systems! He later admitted under oath going to work for E-Systems before he retired and was still based at E-Systems...."
This is highly significant, since President Reagan's Executive Order 12333, which "privatized" covert intelligence operations, placed them out of the scrutiny of Congress and nosy FOIA requesters. Not surprisingly, Ted Shackley, Bill Casey, and George Bush reportedly attended the December 5, 1980 meeting to draft E.O. 12333, which states:
"Agencies within the Intelligence Community are authorized to enter into contracts or arrangements for the provision of goods or services with private companies or institutions in the United States and need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for authorized
intelligence purposes."
There were five other whistleblowers at E-Systems. E-Systems employee Michele Cooper had gone to Danny James - Revell's subordinate - of the National Security Section of the FBI who threatened to file charges on her in retaliation. Cooper subsequently had her son killed, then she was killed. ...
Richardson has told me about numerous other deaths connected to the case.
Soon after we began talking to Richardson, my attorney had his office broken into - twice. The first time, they broke into his file storage locker, took off his lock, and replaced it with a very high-tech looking lock. The building manager had no idea where it came from.
The second time, they left him a tape recording of a conversation between two unidentified men with with his voice dubbed onto it. The implication being that he had illegally recorded a phone conversation, and if he doesn't back off, they'll take him down for violation of wire statutes.
The same day I started talking to Richardson, my computer went down - hard - so hard I had to take it into a shop.
Yesterday morning I walked out to find all my tires slashed! Richardson told me that two people connected with his case also had their tires slashed.
He also told me that one of "Buck" Revell's relatives works at E-Systems. A call to E-Systems confirmed that they have an employee named Michael A. Revell. ...
Aircraft support for drug-enforcement activities become a part of E-Systems' work after it bought up Air Asia, the CIA's aircraft repair and maintenance facility in Taiwan in 1975. Until E-Systems took it over, AIR ASIA provided support for AIR AMERICA, the CIA's covert airline that ferried arms, heroin and opium in Indo-China during the Vietnam War, according to the British reporter Christopher Robbins, who wrote the authoritative account of the airline's history in 1979.
Immediately after acquiring Air Asia, E-Systems won a contract to maintain planes for the U.S.-funded Operation CONDOR in Mexico. Condor monitored drug trafficking in the state of Sinaloa in the mid-1970s.
A 1985 U.S. congressional study found that the contract was ''a shambles ... There are no adequate records to indicate how the funds have been and are being spent.'' The study also cited incidents of planes being used for joy rides. Peter Dale Scott and Jonathon Marshall, authors of ''Cocaine Politics,'' say that the Condor operation ''succeeded in filling the jails with hapless peasants ... but failed to arrest a single drug trafficker.'' E-Systems paid $4.2 million in 1994 to settle a lawsuit brought by Carlos Uribe, a man in El Paso, Texas, on the Mexican border. Uribe charged that an E-Systems employee, Truett Burney, accidentally murdered Uribe's wife in a hotel room when his gun went off in an adjoining room in September, 1991. Burney's lawyers said he was helping install ''top secret listening devices'' on suspected drug traffickers at the time. E-Systems has a murky history as a military contractor also. The first time the company appeared in the news was when it was sued by the widow of an employee who was killed in a 1971 crash of an Air Force plane sent to spy on a French nuclear test. In the early 1970s, E-Systems won the contract to install communication gear on Air Force One, the U.S. president's plane. This led to similar contracts for the heads of state of Iran, Israel, Nigeria, Malaysia, Romania and Saudi Arabia.
E-Systems has since built the ''Doomsday Plane,'' an airborne command post for the Pentagon and the White House in the event of a nuclear attack. In 1977, during the height of the ''dirty war'' in Argentina, E-Systems won a contract to supply ''Wheelbarrow'' systems -- a radio transmitter that detonates explosives by remote control -- to the Argentine police. In August 1990, E-Systems pleaded guilty to criminal charges of falsifying results on tactical field radios manufactured at its Florida factories. The company paid out almost $3 million in fines to settle the charges. * Source: opensecrets.org
Raytheon involved in 9/11 ???
... Raytheon was the 5th biggest government contractor in 2003 and 2004. (of interest are the other companies listed as well).
As one the the biggest military contractor both in America and in the world, Raytheon develloped and introduced the very first remotely controlled and pilot-less Airliner just a couple of months before 9-11 according to an August 2001 article in the USA Today (by the way, the said article may have been removed from the USA Today archives as of one month ago, for a free copy contact pepelapiu@msn.com )
Interestingly enough, on 9-11 Raytheon lost five of their high ranking employees. As details of the passengers on the four hijacked flights emerge, some are shown to have curious connections to the defense company Raytheon, and possibly its Global Hawk pilotless aircraft program (see 1998 (D) and August 2001).
1) Stanley Hall (Flight 77) was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare. One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare." [AP, 9/25/01]
2) Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon's Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif. [AP, 9/25/01] Raytheon's El Segundo's Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the remote controlled Global Hawk. [ISR Journal, 3/02]
3) Kenneth Waldie (Flight 11) was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems.
4) David Kovalcin (Flight 11) was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems. [CNN, 9/01]
5) Herbert Homer (Flight 175) was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense. [CNN, 9/01, Northeastern University Voice, 12/11/01]
Raytheon employees with possible links to Global Hawk can be connected to three of the four flights. There may be more, since many of the passengers' jobs and personal information have remained anonymous.
A surprising number of passengers, especially on Flight 77, have military connections. For instance, William E. Caswell was a Navy scientist whose work was so classified that his family knew very little about what he did each day. Says his mother, "You just learn not to ask questions." [Chicago Tribune, 9/16/01]
So, now we have a major player in the military which stands to make millions, if not billions with the wars resulting from 9-11, we also know Raytheon to be responsible for the developement of Global Hawk and remotely-piloted airliners. But so it happens, five of their employees were allegedly all on board the four airplanes. But it gets better, much better. You remember those Saudi royalties and Bin Laden relatives flown out of the country just a couple of days following 9-11 when no one else was allowed to fly?
They were flown out of the country directly from a Raytheon owned airfield according to The St-Petersburg Times. Just as coincidence would have it, 15 of the 19 alleged terrorists were Saudi nationals according to The Washington Times. That's right my friends, none from Iraq or Afghanistan but mostly from Saudi Arabia.
Did Raytheon have any involment with the 9-11 events?
It should be added that Raytheon has gained over $8.5 billions in government military contracts in 2004, nearly double that of pre 9/11 years!
UA93 Co-Pilot LeRoy Homer
In the fall of 1983, LeRoy entered the Air Force Academy, and graduated with the Class of 1987, 31st Squadron. After completing pilot training in 1988, he was assigned to McGuire AFB in New Jersey, flying the C-141B Starlifter. While on active duty, LeRoy served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and later supported operations in Somalia. He received many commendations, awards and medals during his military career. In 1993, he was named the 21st Air Force Aircrew Instructor of the Year. LeRoy achieved the rank of Captain before his honorable discharge from active duty in 1995.
LeRoy continued his military career as a reservist, initially as an instructor pilot with the 356th Airlift Squadron at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio, then subsequently as an Academy Liaison Officer, recruiting potential candidates for both the Air Force Academy and the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps. During his time with the Reserves, he achieved the rank of Major.
LeRoy continued his flying career by joining United Airlines in May 1995. His first assignment was Second Officer on the B727. He then upgraded to First Officer on the B757/767 in 1996, where he remained until September 11, 2001.
On September 11, 2001, LeRoy was flying with Captain Jason Dahl on United Flight 93. Based on information from several sources that day, we know LeRoy and Jason were the first to fight against the terrorist threat to the airplane. LeRoy has received many awards and citations posthumously, for his actions on Flight 93, including the Congress Of Racial Equality - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Drum Major for Justice Award and the Westchester County Trailblazer Award.
The widow of Leroy W. Homer Jr., copilot of United Airlines Flight 93, says that the Bush administration was "responsible for 9/11":
October 19, 2004, Associated Press
Flight 93 Widow Protests Bush Visit
by Geoff Mulvihill
... Homer, a Canadian citizen, cannot vote in the presidential election, but she has clear feelings about Bush's record on terrorism.
"I do believe that the President and his administration were responsible for Sept. 11," said Homer, who lives in Evesham. ...
Insider Trading
Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack Indicates Foreknowledge
Financial transactions in the days before the attack suggest that certain individuals used foreknowledge of the attack to reap huge profits. 1 The evidence of insider trading includes: ... Huge surge in purchases of call options of stock of a weapons manufacturer expected to gain from the attack -- Raytheon
Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, saw its stock soar immediately after the attack. Purchases of call options on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on the day before the attack.
A Raytheon option that makes money if shares are more than $25 each had 232 options contracts traded on the day before the attacks, almost six times the total number of trades that had occurred before that day. A contract represents options on 100 shares. Raytheon shares soared almost 37 percent to $34.04 during the first week of post-attack U.S. trading. 13
Raytheon has been fined millions of dollars inflating the costs of equipment it sells the US military. Raytheon has a secretive subsidiary, E-Systems, whose clients have included the CIA and NSA. 14
Flight 11:
Peter Gay was Raytheons Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif.
This division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk. (ISR Journal, 3/02)
Kenneth Waldie was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheons electronic systems.
David Kovalcin was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheons electronic systems.
Flight 175:
Herbert Homer was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense.
And for some very strange reasons he was listed for several days as having died in the while working in the Pentagon.
Flight 77:
Stanley Hall was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare.
One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare."
Charles S. Falkenberg:
He worked on "EOS Webster" a mapping system which provides Landsat Images, which are part of the mapping system for the Global Hawk technology.
For detailed info on Raytheon and Global Hawk:
Ewing2001's encyclopedia:
Raytheon is working on Global Hawk piloltless aircraft program.
Now, if this is not coincidental enough for you:
What are the odds that Raytheon also had one office in the WTC2?
(AP, 9/11/01)
It was located in 91st floor in WTC2.
Raytheon shared the floor with Washington Group and Gibbs & Hill.
While 13 employees of Washington Group died
None died of Raytheon and Gibbs&Hill:
This is rather surprising as after the hit of the second plane only four person survived who were above the 78th floor where the plane hit.
And the 91st might be significant in another way:
"every person believed to be above the 91st floor died: 1,344."
The 91st floor was the line between life and death in the WTC tower opposite to Raytheon's office.
Or in other words:
The first plane hit the WTC1 in the 91st floor.
Strange, these coincidences...
Mon Oct 10 2005, 06:24PM
WTC 7 Tenant list, excerpts:
(complete list on page 2 of
http://www.house.gov/science/hot/wtc/wtc-report/WTC_ch5.pdf )
26-27 Standard Chartered Bank
26 Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Department of Defense (DoD)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
24 Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
23 Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
9-10 US Secret Service
Also, Blackstone Group Inc. took over the mortgage of WTC7 in autumn 2000, which could point on another Raytheon connection.
Blackstone, meanwhile part of Northrop Grumman/TRW and Raytheon are both one of the TOP 5 military contractors of DoD.
Business as usual -- 9/11 and the fall of America
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
May 26, 2006
Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, watched its stock take off after the attacks. Purchases of call options contracts on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on September 10, 2001.
The Raytheon option contracts made money, if shares were more than $25 each. The price zoomed up nearly 37 percent to $34.04 during the first week after post 9/11 trading.
Parenthetically, Raytheon had also been hit with millions of dollars in fines for padding costs of equipment it sold to the US military. Raytheon also has a hush-hush subsidiary, E-Systems, whose clients include the CIA and NSA, the latter about to make a hostile takeover of the other.
US: CEOs with Defense Firms Double Salaries Since 9/11
The chief executives of the defense industry's largest companies have doubled their paychecks since 9/11 and the War on Terrorism began -- far greater than the average 7 percent growth for all corporate CEOs.
by Bryan Bender, The Boston Globe
August 30th, 2005
... Compensation for William H. Swanson, chief executive of Raytheon Company in Waltham, more than doubled to $5.3 million over his predecessor Dan Burnham's salary in 2001, according to the study by the Institute for Policy Studies, a liberal Washington think tank. ...
This is rather surprising as after the hit of the second plane only four person survived who were above the 78th floor where the plane hit.
And the 91st might be significant in another way:
"every person believed to be above the 91st floor died: 1,344."
The 91st floor was the line between life and death in the WTC tower opposite to Raytheon's office.
Or in other words: The first plane hit the WTC1 in the 91st floor.
Strange, these coincidences...
Homer's flight with Dick Cheney's envoy
From Lt. Col. Derek Green
Andrews Air Force Base, Md.
"...Remember our days at McGuire Air Force Base... Remember that mission we flew to Russia? We were the third C-141 ever allowed to fly into Tblisi, Georgia, and we were carrying Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney's envoy....
...Thanks my brother. I'll miss you...."
...the other "Homer" from "Flight 93"
(so far unestablished, if related). Co-pilot Homer was afro-american.
Melodie Homer: US Gov "responsibility"
October 2004
"I do believe that the President and his administration were responsible for Sept. 11..."
Peter A. Gay was one of the few passengers from AA 11 who was not only identfied positively but without using DNA. His body was apparently in such a condition that analyses of teeth and fingerprints could be done.
And if this flight manifest is to be believed, Gay is sitting next to Abdulaziz Al Omari.
Another interesting passenger:
Raytheon reportedly successful on September 11.
Of course only a coincidence:
Aerospace Daily
September 11, 2001
Tests underway on low visibility landing system
RAYTHEON CO. and the Air Force have successfully completed the initial phase of flight testing for a system they said provides accurate and reliable landing guidance for both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft during low visibility approaches. Known as the Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS), it works with GPS and is a joint Department of Defense development to provide an all weather, all mission, all user capability for the armed services.
"...Calvin Drayton, deputy operations manager of the city's Office of Emergency Management, in WTC 7, went down for coffee and ended up trapped for 30 minutes in a garage at World Financial Center.
But others were not so lucky. Among the victims that day were 74 PA staff and police, at least 60 building trades' workers, 13 employees of Washington Group International..."
The Washington Group (Defense- and Pipeline projects) oddly was later involved in a specialist post 9/11 'team', together with SH&E Group (Bechtel):
SH & E at Ground Zero
A firsthand account from the most dangerous workplace in the U.S.
"...On Sept. 12, 2001, a small group of SH&E professionals from Bechtel Group Inc., led by Stewart Burkhammer, a professional member of ASSE's National Capital Chapter, arrived in New York City to assist the city and state of New York in the emergency recovery effort...
...The SH&E group's task became one of real-time hazard identification, analysis and control...
...At its maximum, our team consisted of more than 40 practitioners.
Joined by experts from the Washington Group, the team included industrial hygienists, rigging specialists, environmental engineers, industrial and construction safety engineers, demolition safety experts and even a high-rise/commercial building safety specialist..."
More on WGI:
"...In 1996 Washington Construction merged with Morrison Knudsen, a publicly traded construction and engineering giant. From that Washington directed formation of Washington Group International, acquiring components of Westinghouse and Raytheon..."
(Most of this section was posted under the heading, ""Lexington Comair Crash (Part 39)" on January 11, 2007.)
RAYTHEON, translation: "LIGHT FROM THE GODS" ...

From Demopedia
Raytheon Company had an office on the 91st floor of WTC2, above the impact area, yet suffered no casualties. ... Raytheon had also been hit with millions of dollars in fines for padding costs of equipment it sold to the US military ...
From: David Hoffman in San Francisco
(Thnx to Virginia McCullough)

E-Systems figures *B*I*G* in the entire netherworld of secretly/illegally/illegitimately funded, "black budget" covert projects conducted by shadowy intelligence and military agency factions of the (covert) federal government. The vast majority of the activities conducted by these groups E-Systems contracts their services to are extremely malevolent, highly damaging to our "inalienable" human rights and highly supportive of a massive panoply of pro-globalist, pro-New World Order agendas.
Of particular note to us is the fact that E-Systems has been DIRECTLY involved to a tremendous extent in the development and production of exceptionally sophisticated electromagnetic and electronic mind control/manipulation/modification technologies and equipment for use by these clandestine, proto-fascistic secret government groups. ...
E-Systems has collaborated with the US intelligence community, including the military and the CIA, since 1947. As their press release states: "E-Systems continued to be a leader in reconnaissance, surveillance, and intelligence systems, supporting programs that remain critical to
maintaining the peace."
Richardson, a former E-Systems employee, writes: "I have government documents showing government investigators found approximately one hundred million dollars in rip-offs at E-Systems and estimated the total rip-offs at 25 to 30% of all contracts which is approximately THREE BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.
"I also have court testimony where the Northeast Texas Drug Interdiction Task Force admitted knowing about the drug smuggling through E-Systems. Government aircraft on contracts let by AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command) was allegedly involved."
Richardson has suffered several attempts on his life, as well as numerous death threats and break-ins. As Richardson writes: "There was an attempt to blow me up back in 87 when I first went to the government.... The [Air Force] Colonel gave our names to the company as well as the information
after promising to keep it in confidence.... He also stated to me in his most menacing voice that 'I was messing with hundreds of millions of dollars and was in more danger than I had ever been in my life' (!) this was Col Manning Crump at the time Commander of Det2 at E-Systems! He later admitted under oath going to work for E-Systems before he retired and was still based at E-Systems...."
This is highly significant, since President Reagan's Executive Order 12333, which "privatized" covert intelligence operations, placed them out of the scrutiny of Congress and nosy FOIA requesters. Not surprisingly, Ted Shackley, Bill Casey, and George Bush reportedly attended the December 5, 1980 meeting to draft E.O. 12333, which states:
"Agencies within the Intelligence Community are authorized to enter into contracts or arrangements for the provision of goods or services with private companies or institutions in the United States and need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for authorized
intelligence purposes."
There were five other whistleblowers at E-Systems. E-Systems employee Michele Cooper had gone to Danny James - Revell's subordinate - of the National Security Section of the FBI who threatened to file charges on her in retaliation. Cooper subsequently had her son killed, then she was killed. ...
Richardson has told me about numerous other deaths connected to the case.
Soon after we began talking to Richardson, my attorney had his office broken into - twice. The first time, they broke into his file storage locker, took off his lock, and replaced it with a very high-tech looking lock. The building manager had no idea where it came from.
The second time, they left him a tape recording of a conversation between two unidentified men with with his voice dubbed onto it. The implication being that he had illegally recorded a phone conversation, and if he doesn't back off, they'll take him down for violation of wire statutes.
The same day I started talking to Richardson, my computer went down - hard - so hard I had to take it into a shop.
Yesterday morning I walked out to find all my tires slashed! Richardson told me that two people connected with his case also had their tires slashed.
He also told me that one of "Buck" Revell's relatives works at E-Systems. A call to E-Systems confirmed that they have an employee named Michael A. Revell. ...


A 1985 U.S. congressional study found that the contract was ''a shambles ... There are no adequate records to indicate how the funds have been and are being spent.'' The study also cited incidents of planes being used for joy rides. Peter Dale Scott and Jonathon Marshall, authors of ''Cocaine Politics,'' say that the Condor operation ''succeeded in filling the jails with hapless peasants ... but failed to arrest a single drug trafficker.'' E-Systems paid $4.2 million in 1994 to settle a lawsuit brought by Carlos Uribe, a man in El Paso, Texas, on the Mexican border. Uribe charged that an E-Systems employee, Truett Burney, accidentally murdered Uribe's wife in a hotel room when his gun went off in an adjoining room in September, 1991. Burney's lawyers said he was helping install ''top secret listening devices'' on suspected drug traffickers at the time. E-Systems has a murky history as a military contractor also. The first time the company appeared in the news was when it was sued by the widow of an employee who was killed in a 1971 crash of an Air Force plane sent to spy on a French nuclear test. In the early 1970s, E-Systems won the contract to install communication gear on Air Force One, the U.S. president's plane. This led to similar contracts for the heads of state of Iran, Israel, Nigeria, Malaysia, Romania and Saudi Arabia.
E-Systems has since built the ''Doomsday Plane,'' an airborne command post for the Pentagon and the White House in the event of a nuclear attack. In 1977, during the height of the ''dirty war'' in Argentina, E-Systems won a contract to supply ''Wheelbarrow'' systems -- a radio transmitter that detonates explosives by remote control -- to the Argentine police. In August 1990, E-Systems pleaded guilty to criminal charges of falsifying results on tactical field radios manufactured at its Florida factories. The company paid out almost $3 million in fines to settle the charges. * Source: opensecrets.org
Raytheon involved in 9/11 ???
... Raytheon was the 5th biggest government contractor in 2003 and 2004. (of interest are the other companies listed as well).
As one the the biggest military contractor both in America and in the world, Raytheon develloped and introduced the very first remotely controlled and pilot-less Airliner just a couple of months before 9-11 according to an August 2001 article in the USA Today (by the way, the said article may have been removed from the USA Today archives as of one month ago, for a free copy contact pepelapiu@msn.com )

1) Stanley Hall (Flight 77) was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare. One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare." [AP, 9/25/01]
2) Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon's Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif. [AP, 9/25/01] Raytheon's El Segundo's Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the remote controlled Global Hawk. [ISR Journal, 3/02]
3) Kenneth Waldie (Flight 11) was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems.
4) David Kovalcin (Flight 11) was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems. [CNN, 9/01]
5) Herbert Homer (Flight 175) was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense. [CNN, 9/01, Northeastern University Voice, 12/11/01]
Raytheon employees with possible links to Global Hawk can be connected to three of the four flights. There may be more, since many of the passengers' jobs and personal information have remained anonymous.
A surprising number of passengers, especially on Flight 77, have military connections. For instance, William E. Caswell was a Navy scientist whose work was so classified that his family knew very little about what he did each day. Says his mother, "You just learn not to ask questions." [Chicago Tribune, 9/16/01]

They were flown out of the country directly from a Raytheon owned airfield according to The St-Petersburg Times. Just as coincidence would have it, 15 of the 19 alleged terrorists were Saudi nationals according to The Washington Times. That's right my friends, none from Iraq or Afghanistan but mostly from Saudi Arabia.
Did Raytheon have any involment with the 9-11 events?

UA93 Co-Pilot LeRoy Homer
In the fall of 1983, LeRoy entered the Air Force Academy, and graduated with the Class of 1987, 31st Squadron. After completing pilot training in 1988, he was assigned to McGuire AFB in New Jersey, flying the C-141B Starlifter. While on active duty, LeRoy served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and later supported operations in Somalia. He received many commendations, awards and medals during his military career. In 1993, he was named the 21st Air Force Aircrew Instructor of the Year. LeRoy achieved the rank of Captain before his honorable discharge from active duty in 1995.
LeRoy continued his military career as a reservist, initially as an instructor pilot with the 356th Airlift Squadron at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio, then subsequently as an Academy Liaison Officer, recruiting potential candidates for both the Air Force Academy and the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps. During his time with the Reserves, he achieved the rank of Major.
LeRoy continued his flying career by joining United Airlines in May 1995. His first assignment was Second Officer on the B727. He then upgraded to First Officer on the B757/767 in 1996, where he remained until September 11, 2001.
On September 11, 2001, LeRoy was flying with Captain Jason Dahl on United Flight 93. Based on information from several sources that day, we know LeRoy and Jason were the first to fight against the terrorist threat to the airplane. LeRoy has received many awards and citations posthumously, for his actions on Flight 93, including the Congress Of Racial Equality - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Drum Major for Justice Award and the Westchester County Trailblazer Award.
The widow of Leroy W. Homer Jr., copilot of United Airlines Flight 93, says that the Bush administration was "responsible for 9/11":
October 19, 2004, Associated Press
Flight 93 Widow Protests Bush Visit
by Geoff Mulvihill
... Homer, a Canadian citizen, cannot vote in the presidential election, but she has clear feelings about Bush's record on terrorism.
"I do believe that the President and his administration were responsible for Sept. 11," said Homer, who lives in Evesham. ...
Insider Trading
Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack Indicates Foreknowledge
Financial transactions in the days before the attack suggest that certain individuals used foreknowledge of the attack to reap huge profits. 1 The evidence of insider trading includes: ... Huge surge in purchases of call options of stock of a weapons manufacturer expected to gain from the attack -- Raytheon
Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, saw its stock soar immediately after the attack. Purchases of call options on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on the day before the attack.
A Raytheon option that makes money if shares are more than $25 each had 232 options contracts traded on the day before the attacks, almost six times the total number of trades that had occurred before that day. A contract represents options on 100 shares. Raytheon shares soared almost 37 percent to $34.04 during the first week of post-attack U.S. trading. 13
Raytheon has been fined millions of dollars inflating the costs of equipment it sells the US military. Raytheon has a secretive subsidiary, E-Systems, whose clients have included the CIA and NSA. 14
Flight 11:
Peter Gay was Raytheons Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif.
This division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk. (ISR Journal, 3/02)
Kenneth Waldie was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheons electronic systems.
David Kovalcin was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheons electronic systems.
Flight 175:
Herbert Homer was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense.
And for some very strange reasons he was listed for several days as having died in the while working in the Pentagon.
Flight 77:
Stanley Hall was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare.
One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare."
Charles S. Falkenberg:
He worked on "EOS Webster" a mapping system which provides Landsat Images, which are part of the mapping system for the Global Hawk technology.
For detailed info on Raytheon and Global Hawk:
Ewing2001's encyclopedia:
Raytheon is working on Global Hawk piloltless aircraft program.
Now, if this is not coincidental enough for you:
What are the odds that Raytheon also had one office in the WTC2?
(AP, 9/11/01)
It was located in 91st floor in WTC2.
Raytheon shared the floor with Washington Group and Gibbs & Hill.
While 13 employees of Washington Group died
None died of Raytheon and Gibbs&Hill:
This is rather surprising as after the hit of the second plane only four person survived who were above the 78th floor where the plane hit.
And the 91st might be significant in another way:
"every person believed to be above the 91st floor died: 1,344."
The 91st floor was the line between life and death in the WTC tower opposite to Raytheon's office.
Or in other words:
The first plane hit the WTC1 in the 91st floor.
Strange, these coincidences...
Mon Oct 10 2005, 06:24PM
WTC 7 Tenant list, excerpts:
(complete list on page 2 of
http://www.house.gov/science/hot/wtc/wtc-report/WTC_ch5.pdf )
26-27 Standard Chartered Bank
26 Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Department of Defense (DoD)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
24 Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
23 Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
9-10 US Secret Service
Also, Blackstone Group Inc. took over the mortgage of WTC7 in autumn 2000, which could point on another Raytheon connection.
Blackstone, meanwhile part of Northrop Grumman/TRW and Raytheon are both one of the TOP 5 military contractors of DoD.
Business as usual -- 9/11 and the fall of America
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor
May 26, 2006
Raytheon, maker of Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, watched its stock take off after the attacks. Purchases of call options contracts on Raytheon stock increased sixfold on September 10, 2001.
The Raytheon option contracts made money, if shares were more than $25 each. The price zoomed up nearly 37 percent to $34.04 during the first week after post 9/11 trading.
Parenthetically, Raytheon had also been hit with millions of dollars in fines for padding costs of equipment it sold to the US military. Raytheon also has a hush-hush subsidiary, E-Systems, whose clients include the CIA and NSA, the latter about to make a hostile takeover of the other.
US: CEOs with Defense Firms Double Salaries Since 9/11
The chief executives of the defense industry's largest companies have doubled their paychecks since 9/11 and the War on Terrorism began -- far greater than the average 7 percent growth for all corporate CEOs.
by Bryan Bender, The Boston Globe
August 30th, 2005
... Compensation for William H. Swanson, chief executive of Raytheon Company in Waltham, more than doubled to $5.3 million over his predecessor Dan Burnham's salary in 2001, according to the study by the Institute for Policy Studies, a liberal Washington think tank. ...
This is rather surprising as after the hit of the second plane only four person survived who were above the 78th floor where the plane hit.
And the 91st might be significant in another way:
"every person believed to be above the 91st floor died: 1,344."
The 91st floor was the line between life and death in the WTC tower opposite to Raytheon's office.
Or in other words: The first plane hit the WTC1 in the 91st floor.
Strange, these coincidences...
Homer's flight with Dick Cheney's envoy
From Lt. Col. Derek Green
Andrews Air Force Base, Md.
"...Remember our days at McGuire Air Force Base... Remember that mission we flew to Russia? We were the third C-141 ever allowed to fly into Tblisi, Georgia, and we were carrying Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney's envoy....
...Thanks my brother. I'll miss you...."
...the other "Homer" from "Flight 93"
(so far unestablished, if related). Co-pilot Homer was afro-american.
Melodie Homer: US Gov "responsibility"
October 2004
"I do believe that the President and his administration were responsible for Sept. 11..."
Peter A. Gay was one of the few passengers from AA 11 who was not only identfied positively but without using DNA. His body was apparently in such a condition that analyses of teeth and fingerprints could be done.
And if this flight manifest is to be believed, Gay is sitting next to Abdulaziz Al Omari.
Another interesting passenger:
Raytheon reportedly successful on September 11.
Of course only a coincidence:
Aerospace Daily
September 11, 2001
Tests underway on low visibility landing system
RAYTHEON CO. and the Air Force have successfully completed the initial phase of flight testing for a system they said provides accurate and reliable landing guidance for both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft during low visibility approaches. Known as the Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS), it works with GPS and is a joint Department of Defense development to provide an all weather, all mission, all user capability for the armed services.
"...Calvin Drayton, deputy operations manager of the city's Office of Emergency Management, in WTC 7, went down for coffee and ended up trapped for 30 minutes in a garage at World Financial Center.
But others were not so lucky. Among the victims that day were 74 PA staff and police, at least 60 building trades' workers, 13 employees of Washington Group International..."
The Washington Group (Defense- and Pipeline projects) oddly was later involved in a specialist post 9/11 'team', together with SH&E Group (Bechtel):
SH & E at Ground Zero
A firsthand account from the most dangerous workplace in the U.S.
"...On Sept. 12, 2001, a small group of SH&E professionals from Bechtel Group Inc., led by Stewart Burkhammer, a professional member of ASSE's National Capital Chapter, arrived in New York City to assist the city and state of New York in the emergency recovery effort...
...The SH&E group's task became one of real-time hazard identification, analysis and control...
...At its maximum, our team consisted of more than 40 practitioners.
Joined by experts from the Washington Group, the team included industrial hygienists, rigging specialists, environmental engineers, industrial and construction safety engineers, demolition safety experts and even a high-rise/commercial building safety specialist..."
More on WGI:
"...In 1996 Washington Construction merged with Morrison Knudsen, a publicly traded construction and engineering giant. From that Washington directed formation of Washington Group International, acquiring components of Westinghouse and Raytheon..."
CIA-Media War on "Conspiracy Theorists": Film Targets JFK Conspiracy Theories & the Boston Globe's Reviewer Alex Beam Reviles 9/11 Truthers, too
By Alex Constantine
Re: Alex Beam (this is his professional obituary, we hope), the author of this Boston Globe article condemning "conspiracy theories" from Dallas to 9/11: " ... I don't think Dick Cheney, or the titans of capital, or the agents of the Apocalypse blew up the World Trade Center and killed 3,000 people to further some dark cause. I think the plot was hatched right where we think it was, in the faraway, hot sands of anti-American hatred. ... "
Who's Alex Beam? His father was an ambassador to the Eastern Bloc:
"Beam grew up in Washington, D.C., as his father Jacob D. Beam was a diplomat. ... "
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Beam
Jacob Beam was a RICHARD NIXON appointee - an executive crook's ambassador to the Soviet Union.
Source: 21stcenturycicero.wordpress.com caché
Jacob Beam: "During the Truman administration, Ambassador Beam was a political officer in Headquarters, U.S. Forces in Germany, 1945-47; Chief, Central European Division, State Department, 1947-49; Consul General, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1950; Counselor of Embassy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1951-52; and Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Moscow, USSR, 1952-53."
Jacob Beam was a friend of Nazi sympathizer Charles Lindbergh (they cavorted together in Hitler's Germany), and in a 1989 interview looked back on the fascist aviator as "a very impressive man." (For the suppressed dirt on Lindbergh, see the contemporaneous writing of George Seldes, eg.: "Lindbergh had written an article for the reactionary Reader's Digest stating Hitler's Aryan myth and other fascist doctrines."
From NameBase, a reference site on matters related to American intelligence:
Poland 1957-1961 Czechoslovakia 1966-1969 USSR 1969-1973
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 1985
Finder, J. Red Carpet. 1983 (248-9, 283, 291, 303)
Hersh, B. The Old Boys. 1992 (370, 394)
Hersh, S. The Price of Power. 1983 (40-1, 539)
Kessler, R. Moscow Station. 1990 (50)
Perloff ,J. The Shadows of Power. 1988 (146)
Prados ,J. Keepers of the Keys. 1991 (307)
Sanders, J. Peddlers of Crisis. 1983 (155)
State Dept. United States Chiefs of Mission 1778-1973. 1973 (38, 125, 139)
Weinberg, S. Armand Hammer: The Untold Story. 1989 (224)
Wise, D. Ross, T. The Invisible Government. 1974 (324)
Yakovlev, N. CIA Target -- the USSR. 1984 (159)
Yakovlev, N. Washington Silhouettes. 1985 (190-2, 204)
New York Times: "An early assignment was the American Embassy in Berlin from 1934 to 1940." The Hitler years ... "After graduating from Princeton in 1929, Mr. Beam studied a year in England before joining the Foreign Service in 1931 in Switzerland. ... Through his 42 years as a diplomat, Mr. Beam repeatedly turned up in strategic locales at momentous points, when the stakes involved war, invasion, national independence or moves for disarmament and peace. .... In 1955 he was placed in charge of the State Department's office of Eastern European Affairs ... After retiring as the Ambassador to the Soviet Union, he served as chairman of Radio Free Europe. ... "
Every one of his posts after the war would have brought him into close contact with the American intelligence apparat, particularly the CIA, if he wasn't one of them. His career included a stint at the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, which reinforced American hegemony around the world by using aid to control foreign governments and arming the non-communist world against the trumped-up charge of Soviet imperialism.
Mr. Beam was also an early member of the ultra-right Committee on the Present Danger.
[See: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/gw/1589.html]
Jacob D. Beam
In other words, Jacob D. Beam hailed from the same political-intelligence milieu that murdered John F. Kennedy and subsequently covered it up.
Alex Beam, his son, graduated from Yale University in 1975. He worked at Newsweek and BusinessWeek, according to his Wikipedia entry, "where his tenure included Boston and Moscow bureau chief, before joining the Boston Globe."
This is telling: "He was a John Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University in 1996-1997." The Knight Foundation is a CIA front.
[Scroll down to Knight Foundation at: http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2008/02/duncan-blake-suicides-solved.html]
From Alex Beam's Wiki entry: "In addition to his journalistic work, Beam is the author of two novels set in Russia, Fellow Travelers (1987) and The Americans Are Coming! (1991), both published by St. Martin's Press. He has also published a work of non-fiction, exploring the history of McLean Hospital. The book, titled Gracefully Insane: Life and Death Inside America's Premier Mental Hospital, was published in January 2002. ... "
This is probably not a good thing:
" ... His son Christopher Beam is currently a political blogger for Slate."
So what does Alex Beam - whose father was a Nixon appointee (Kennedy was murdered to make way for Nixon) and who owes his Ivy League education to a CIA front - have to say about the Kennedy assassination?
About what you would expect from a "Mockingbird":
Film targets JFK conspiracy theories
By Adam Beam
The Boston Globe
March 21, 2008
"Oswald's Ghost" (PBS, WGBH Educational Foundation, rated TV-PG, $24.99)
"Oswald's Ghost" is an elegantly crafted, 90-minute obituary for the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
On the one hand, filmmaker Robert Stone (no relation to Oliver) reports that about 70 percent of Americans still disbelieve the official investigation into Kennedy's killing. Veteran conspiracy jockey Mark Lane crows that, unlike the major networks and editorial boards of The Washington Post and The New York Times, "I have been right all along" about the plot to kill Kennedy.
But a more impressive roster of experts, including the late Norman Mailer, Priscilla MacMillan and Todd Gitlin, has arrived at a different conclusion. Edward Jay Epstein, who has criticized the official Warren Report on the assassination, now thinks there was no anti-JFK conspiracy. "As we cover decade after decade, not a shred has come out that would indicate what this conspiracy was," Epstein says. "After 40 years, none of the theories pan out."
I don't know what Stone's agenda was in making "Oswald's Ghost." I understood it as a fairly subtle commentary on time. If there had been more truths to reveal about the Kennedy assassination, time would have yielded them. But it didn't. To borrow the language of "The X-Files," popcult's greatest conspiracy homage of recent time: Maybe the truth was out there all along.
hy is this relevant? Because we again are awash in conspiracy theories. Every major news event attracts an accompanying backwash of debunking, counter-factual argument and conspiracy-mongering. A recent Vanity Fair reported that "many people in London" believe that Prince Philip headed up a conspiracy to kill his erstwhile daughter-in-law, Princess Diana. Really? As if anyone cared.
The main event in contemporary conspiracy-mongering is, of course, 9/11. A few weeks into the fall of 2001, a friend called me from France and urged me to be the first American journalist to report the "truth" about the Sept. 11 attacks. He then sent me French newspaper stories "proving" that no airplane ever crashed into the Pentagon. While it is true that my French isn't what it used to be, I wasn't convinced.
The French have not monopolized this version of events. Not infrequently, I receive e-mails with subject lines like, "Yes, the Bush/Cheney regime deliberately let 9/11 happen."
"The Pentagon was struck by a 'hijacked' airliner 45 minutes after two other 'hijacked' airliners struck the WTC," this recent missive continued, "without the airliner being intercepted, approached, chased, or even seen by our air defenses? The Gov't still refuses to release clear video of whatever happened at the Pentagon to this day, six years later??? Why???"
This e-mail urges you and me to visit the Web site 911truth.org, and all I can say is, feel free to exercise your First Amendment rights. There is a "truth novel" (paging Mr. Orwell) about 9/11 coming out from a "New York Times Best-Selling Author" later this month. Look for it! On the Web site, you can check out the "peer-reviewed" Journal of 9/11 Studies. The site also allows you to download "resistance music," like Zan Overall's "I Want to Believe You, Mr. President," sung by Bill Horn and 911Truth Chorus. Sample lyric: "The more I learn about 9/11/Believing you gets harder to do."
You can watch clips of "Boston Tea Party" for 9/11 truth at the Web site boston911truth.org. I saw a video of retired Brigham Young University physicist Steven Jones explaining that he had found chemical evidence of Thermate, "a high-tech incendiary that melts steel like a hot knife through butter" in World Trade Center detritus. A press release from architect Richard Gage announces that "the official explanation of the total destruction of the World Trade Center skyscrapers has explicitly failed to address the massive evidence for explosive demolition."
Are there mysteries? Yes, there are mysteries. A friend of mine thinks that American Airlines's Flight 587, which crashed in Queens in the fall of 2001, was shoe-bombed. (Shoe bomber Richard Reid was arrested a month later on an American Airlines flight.) Even though I have since met an engineer who consulted on the investigation, which attributed the crash to wake turbulence and pilot error, I think my friend may be right.
But I don't think Dick Cheney, or the titans of capital, or the agents of the Apocalypse blew up the World Trade Center and killed 3,000 people to further some dark cause. I think the plot was hatched right where we think it was, in the faraway, hot sands of anti-American hatred.
I doubt the truth is out there. I think it is already here.
(DVD special features: A visit to Dealey Plaza in Dallas, "The Zapruder Film and Beyond" and an interview with producer Robert Stone. The DVD is available for purchase at www.shoppbs.org and proceeds support public television.)

Who's Alex Beam? His father was an ambassador to the Eastern Bloc:
"Beam grew up in Washington, D.C., as his father Jacob D. Beam was a diplomat. ... "
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Beam
Jacob Beam was a RICHARD NIXON appointee - an executive crook's ambassador to the Soviet Union.
Source: 21stcenturycicero.wordpress.com caché
Jacob Beam: "During the Truman administration, Ambassador Beam was a political officer in Headquarters, U.S. Forces in Germany, 1945-47; Chief, Central European Division, State Department, 1947-49; Consul General, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1950; Counselor of Embassy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1951-52; and Counselor, U.S. Embassy in Moscow, USSR, 1952-53."

From NameBase, a reference site on matters related to American intelligence:
Poland 1957-1961 Czechoslovakia 1966-1969 USSR 1969-1973
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 1985
Finder, J. Red Carpet. 1983 (248-9, 283, 291, 303)
Hersh, B. The Old Boys. 1992 (370, 394)
Hersh, S. The Price of Power. 1983 (40-1, 539)
Kessler, R. Moscow Station. 1990 (50)
Perloff ,J. The Shadows of Power. 1988 (146)
Prados ,J. Keepers of the Keys. 1991 (307)
Sanders, J. Peddlers of Crisis. 1983 (155)
State Dept. United States Chiefs of Mission 1778-1973. 1973 (38, 125, 139)
Weinberg, S. Armand Hammer: The Untold Story. 1989 (224)
Wise, D. Ross, T. The Invisible Government. 1974 (324)
Yakovlev, N. CIA Target -- the USSR. 1984 (159)
Yakovlev, N. Washington Silhouettes. 1985 (190-2, 204)
New York Times: "An early assignment was the American Embassy in Berlin from 1934 to 1940." The Hitler years ... "After graduating from Princeton in 1929, Mr. Beam studied a year in England before joining the Foreign Service in 1931 in Switzerland. ... Through his 42 years as a diplomat, Mr. Beam repeatedly turned up in strategic locales at momentous points, when the stakes involved war, invasion, national independence or moves for disarmament and peace. .... In 1955 he was placed in charge of the State Department's office of Eastern European Affairs ... After retiring as the Ambassador to the Soviet Union, he served as chairman of Radio Free Europe. ... "
Every one of his posts after the war would have brought him into close contact with the American intelligence apparat, particularly the CIA, if he wasn't one of them. His career included a stint at the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, which reinforced American hegemony around the world by using aid to control foreign governments and arming the non-communist world against the trumped-up charge of Soviet imperialism.
Mr. Beam was also an early member of the ultra-right Committee on the Present Danger.
[See: http://rightweb.irc-online.org/gw/1589.html]

In other words, Jacob D. Beam hailed from the same political-intelligence milieu that murdered John F. Kennedy and subsequently covered it up.
Alex Beam, his son, graduated from Yale University in 1975. He worked at Newsweek and BusinessWeek, according to his Wikipedia entry, "where his tenure included Boston and Moscow bureau chief, before joining the Boston Globe."
This is telling: "He was a John Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University in 1996-1997." The Knight Foundation is a CIA front.
[Scroll down to Knight Foundation at: http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2008/02/duncan-blake-suicides-solved.html]
From Alex Beam's Wiki entry: "In addition to his journalistic work, Beam is the author of two novels set in Russia, Fellow Travelers (1987) and The Americans Are Coming! (1991), both published by St. Martin's Press. He has also published a work of non-fiction, exploring the history of McLean Hospital. The book, titled Gracefully Insane: Life and Death Inside America's Premier Mental Hospital, was published in January 2002. ... "
This is probably not a good thing:
" ... His son Christopher Beam is currently a political blogger for Slate."
So what does Alex Beam - whose father was a Nixon appointee (Kennedy was murdered to make way for Nixon) and who owes his Ivy League education to a CIA front - have to say about the Kennedy assassination?
About what you would expect from a "Mockingbird":
Film targets JFK conspiracy theories
By Adam Beam
The Boston Globe
March 21, 2008
"Oswald's Ghost" (PBS, WGBH Educational Foundation, rated TV-PG, $24.99)
"Oswald's Ghost" is an elegantly crafted, 90-minute obituary for the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

But a more impressive roster of experts, including the late Norman Mailer, Priscilla MacMillan and Todd Gitlin, has arrived at a different conclusion. Edward Jay Epstein, who has criticized the official Warren Report on the assassination, now thinks there was no anti-JFK conspiracy. "As we cover decade after decade, not a shred has come out that would indicate what this conspiracy was," Epstein says. "After 40 years, none of the theories pan out."
I don't know what Stone's agenda was in making "Oswald's Ghost." I understood it as a fairly subtle commentary on time. If there had been more truths to reveal about the Kennedy assassination, time would have yielded them. But it didn't. To borrow the language of "The X-Files," popcult's greatest conspiracy homage of recent time: Maybe the truth was out there all along.
hy is this relevant? Because we again are awash in conspiracy theories. Every major news event attracts an accompanying backwash of debunking, counter-factual argument and conspiracy-mongering. A recent Vanity Fair reported that "many people in London" believe that Prince Philip headed up a conspiracy to kill his erstwhile daughter-in-law, Princess Diana. Really? As if anyone cared.
The main event in contemporary conspiracy-mongering is, of course, 9/11. A few weeks into the fall of 2001, a friend called me from France and urged me to be the first American journalist to report the "truth" about the Sept. 11 attacks. He then sent me French newspaper stories "proving" that no airplane ever crashed into the Pentagon. While it is true that my French isn't what it used to be, I wasn't convinced.
The French have not monopolized this version of events. Not infrequently, I receive e-mails with subject lines like, "Yes, the Bush/Cheney regime deliberately let 9/11 happen."
"The Pentagon was struck by a 'hijacked' airliner 45 minutes after two other 'hijacked' airliners struck the WTC," this recent missive continued, "without the airliner being intercepted, approached, chased, or even seen by our air defenses? The Gov't still refuses to release clear video of whatever happened at the Pentagon to this day, six years later??? Why???"
This e-mail urges you and me to visit the Web site 911truth.org, and all I can say is, feel free to exercise your First Amendment rights. There is a "truth novel" (paging Mr. Orwell) about 9/11 coming out from a "New York Times Best-Selling Author" later this month. Look for it! On the Web site, you can check out the "peer-reviewed" Journal of 9/11 Studies. The site also allows you to download "resistance music," like Zan Overall's "I Want to Believe You, Mr. President," sung by Bill Horn and 911Truth Chorus. Sample lyric: "The more I learn about 9/11/Believing you gets harder to do."
You can watch clips of "Boston Tea Party" for 9/11 truth at the Web site boston911truth.org. I saw a video of retired Brigham Young University physicist Steven Jones explaining that he had found chemical evidence of Thermate, "a high-tech incendiary that melts steel like a hot knife through butter" in World Trade Center detritus. A press release from architect Richard Gage announces that "the official explanation of the total destruction of the World Trade Center skyscrapers has explicitly failed to address the massive evidence for explosive demolition."
Are there mysteries? Yes, there are mysteries. A friend of mine thinks that American Airlines's Flight 587, which crashed in Queens in the fall of 2001, was shoe-bombed. (Shoe bomber Richard Reid was arrested a month later on an American Airlines flight.) Even though I have since met an engineer who consulted on the investigation, which attributed the crash to wake turbulence and pilot error, I think my friend may be right.
But I don't think Dick Cheney, or the titans of capital, or the agents of the Apocalypse blew up the World Trade Center and killed 3,000 people to further some dark cause. I think the plot was hatched right where we think it was, in the faraway, hot sands of anti-American hatred.
I doubt the truth is out there. I think it is already here.
(DVD special features: A visit to Dealey Plaza in Dallas, "The Zapruder Film and Beyond" and an interview with producer Robert Stone. The DVD is available for purchase at www.shoppbs.org and proceeds support public television.)
The Lost bin Laden Video
Osama Bin Laden and September 11
Pakistan Daily
28 MAY 2008
Not many people know that, after September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden issued a statement on tape that he had nothing to do with the attacks on America and that such actions were against the teachings of Islam. Americans were prevented from accessing this information because we were told that Osama could possibly have an embedded "secret code" in the tape that would alert other terrorists cells to "activate" and target other American cities.
Here is the transcript of what you were not allowed to hear from Osama bin Laden's own mouth
"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States."
Later, another video tape miraculously appeared to validate his guilt in the attacks. The video tape, showing a man who was allegedly Osama bin Laden discussing and bragging about his role in the 9-11 attacks, was shown on American television along with Arabic-English translations of the conversations. Did you know that this tape has since been recognized as a fake? Not many news media reported this. The "Osama" in the tape is actually a known Egyptian militant who is not as tall and much too heavy to be Osama. I'll just bet you didn't know that tape was a fake! It wasn't reported on CNN.
Now we have had another audio tape allegedly from Osama. We were told that it is "proof" that he committed the 9-11 attacks. The "Osama" voice is apparently saying that the so-called 10th hijacker who was charged in American courts is actually innocent, but the real purpose of the tape is to acknowledge Osama's admission of ordering the 9-11 attacks. Well, hold on because now it appears that this tape is also fake. It's yet another Bush disinformation camapign to make people angry at Islamics and Arabs and to continue the blame game and justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as a prelude to yet another miserable war in Iran.
The latest audio tape attributed to Osama bin Laden appears to be one more installment in a succession of evidence fabricated by the US government to deceive the American people, according to Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
"This tape is only the latest in a series of fabrications intended to mislead the American people," said James H. Fetzer, the society's founder. "The closer we get to revealing the truth about 9/11, the more furiously the government fights to conceal it!" He said members of Scholars and other experts had detected evidence of fakery.
In this new recording, a voice attributed to Osama bin Laden asserts that Zacarias Moussaoui was not involved in 9/11, which he knew to be the case because he had personally assigned the 19 hijackers involved in those events. The Osama of this tape thereby implicitly confesses his responsibility for orchestrating the attacks. However, in a tape released on December 27, 2001, the authenticity of which is not in doubt, Osama denied having had anything to do with 9/11. "Moreover," Fetzer added, "some of the 19 hijackers he 'personally assigned' have turned up alive and well."
To be sure, this new tape is not the first one in which bin Laden appears to take responsibility for the attacks. As David Ray Griffin, a prominent member of Scholars, points out, "The Osama on the video tape that appeared on December 13, 2001, confessed to planning the 9/11 attacks. But he is far darker and much heavier than the real Osama bin Laden. People can see the difference by looking up 'The Fake bin Laden Video Tape' on Google."
Griffin's point is supported by a work-in-progress by members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which appears on its web site under the heading, "9/11: Have we been lied to?" It offers evidence of fakery in some of the videos based upon various physical properties of the figures that are presumed to be Osama, pointing out that there are differences in the ears, cheeks, eyebrows, length of the nose and shape of the nostrils. "The use of computer analysis can 'fine tune' these questions of facial characteristics," Fetzer said, "but the gross differences already show they are not the same."
"Another problem with the video of December 13, 2001," Griffin pointed out, "was that its stocky bin Laden praised two of the alleged hijackers, Wail M. Al-Shehri and Salem al-Hazmi, by name, and yet both the London Telegraph and the Saudi embassy reported several days after 9/11 that al-Hazmi was still alive and working in Saudi Arabia. Given the fact that the earlier video in which Osama confessed was clearly a fake, we should be suspicious of this latest apparent confession."
A professor at Duke, Bruce Lawrence, who has published Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden, expressed profound skepticism about a tape that was released January 17, 2006, in a report that appeared two days later. "There's nothing in this from the Koran," Lawrence said. "He's, by his own standards, a faithful Muslim who quotes scripture in defense of his actions. There's no quotation from the Koran in the excerpts we got, no reference to specific events, no reference to past atrocities." Lawrence also observed the tape ran only 10 minutes, whereas the shortest previous tape, at 18 minutes, was nearly twice as long.
Fetzer noted that many of the same anomalous properties are found in the latest tape. "Compared to Osama's past performances," he observed, "this message is too short, too direct, and full of falsehoods. It was even described on CBS News by Bob Schieffer as 'almost American'." A translation of the text of the tape has also been released by IntelCenter, a private company that does contract work for the US government. "I suppose I would be accused of being a 'conspiracy theorist' to suggest there is any connection," Fetzer added.
Authentic Voice/Fake Content
Informed that Reuters news agency has reported confirmation that the voice on the tape is indeed that of Osama bin Laden, Fetzer replied, "The fact that the voice is his does not prove that the tape is authentic. We have had phony tapes before using voices that were authentic. Mark Bingham, a passenger on Flight 93, is supposed to have called his mother and said, 'Hi, Mom, this is Mark Bingham!' His mother confirmed it was his voice, but does anyone seriously believe that Mark Bingham would have used his last name in identifying himself to his mother?"
Griffin agreed, adding, "Back in 1999, William Arkin published an article entitled, 'When Seeing and Hearing isn't Believing' (which can also be accessed on Google). Describing the new technology of 'voice morphing' (or 'voice synthesizing'), Arkin explained that, if audio technicians have a recording of your voice, then they can create a tape in which your voice‹your authentic voice!‹says anything they wish."
In a press release on April 22, 2006, the Scholars observed that a tape played at the trail of Zacarias Moussaoui included discussion among the passengers about using a drink cart to break down the cabin door alleged to have been picked up on a cockpit voice recorder, which does not record conversations in the passenger cabin. "This is not the first and certainly will not be the last time that the American government plays the American people for suckers," Fetzer said.
"We have just acquired new evidence that the Pentagon video tapes were processed and manipulated in an apparent effort to distort or conceal what happened there on 9/11," Fetzer observed. "Apparently, whenever the government feels the need to bolster the official myth about 9/11, it simply fabricates a new tape! Anybody who wants to keep score should visit our web site."
Scholars for 9/11 Truth is a non-partisan society of experts and scholars dedicated to exposing falsehoods and establishing truths about the events of 9/11. It maintains a web site at st911.org, where it archives its studies, documents, records and evidence.
Top Bin Laden Expert: The Tapes are Fakes
As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror itself is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.” (Guardian 04)
It’s tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I’ll be on the fast track to tenure.
The trouble is, it’s all based on a big lie. Take the recent “Bin Laden tape,” - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the early 90’s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy’s flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn't him.
The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies Department, has just finished a book of translations of Bin Laden’s speeches. He says the recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC 2004).
Ersatz Bin Laden tapes “verified” by the CIA are nothing new. Every Bin Laden statement since 2001 has been blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real Bin Laden were the following words recorded by Pakistani journalists: “I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation . . . I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks on the United States . . . I had no knowledge of these attacks. . .” (Wiki 2004)
Then, on December 13, 2001, as George Bush was whining about the “outrageous conspiracy theories” that were spreading like wildfire, the first and shoddiest of the “Bin Laden Speaks from the Grave” tapes appeared. The video’s sound and picture quality were horrible. It showed a big guy with a black beard, doing a passable imitation of Bin ’s voice, claiming foreknowledge, if not responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and chortling over their success. The trouble was, the big guy was clearly not Bin Laden. He was at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier and his facial features were obviously different. (911Res 2005)
The “Fatty Bin Laden tape” was widely ridiculed and I have yet to meet an informed observer who considers it authentic. (If you haven’t figured this out yet, go back and look at the images from the tape and compare them to other images of Bin Laden.) But the media let the fraud pass without asking the hard questions. Why was the US government waving this blatantly fake “confession” video in our faces?
Perhaps due to the widespread hilarity evoked by Fatty Bin Laden, the next Ousama-from-beyond-the-grave message had no images: It was an audio tape delivered to al-Jazeera in the fall of 2002. The CIA verified it as “authentic,” but ended up with egg on its face when the world’s leading voice identification experts at IDIAP in Switzerland reported that “the message was recorded by an impostor.” (Guardian 2002)
Every Bin Laden message since then has been equally phony. They are released at moments when the Bush regime needs a boost - and the American (mainstream) media go along with the fraud. Remember the bogus Bin Laden tape that made headlines right before the 2004 elections? If you didn’t figure out that it was a CIA-produced commercial for George Bush, I have some great bridges to sell you. Walter Cronkite, bless his heart, opined that Karl Rove was behind that tape. (CNN ) But the rest of the media just kept pretending that the Emperor was clothed.
And the fraud continues. Last week’s [need a date if you don’t want this article to age prematurely] Bin Laden tape has been ridiculed by America’s top Bin Laden expert, yet the US media gamely held its tattered fig leaf over the Emperor’s loins. Professor Lawrence believes that the tape was designed to distract world opinion from the horrific massacre of Pakistani civilians by an errant CIA drone. But it may have another, more sinister purpose: To prepare public opinion for another false-flag 9/11-style attack designed to trigger a US-Israel nuclear attack on Iran. (AC 2005)
As our top Bin Laden expert Professor Lawrence says, the real Bin Laden, who insisted that he had nothing to do with 9/11, has been dead since 2001. The fake messages have been fabricated by al-CIA-duh to support the Bush regime and its phony “war on terror.” It is time for Americans to rise up against the masters of synthetic terror who have been looting the US taxpayer, torching the Constitution, demolishing the economy, and threatening a nuclear Armageddon.
Pakistan Daily
28 MAY 2008
Not many people know that, after September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden issued a statement on tape that he had nothing to do with the attacks on America and that such actions were against the teachings of Islam. Americans were prevented from accessing this information because we were told that Osama could possibly have an embedded "secret code" in the tape that would alert other terrorists cells to "activate" and target other American cities.
Here is the transcript of what you were not allowed to hear from Osama bin Laden's own mouth
"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States."
Later, another video tape miraculously appeared to validate his guilt in the attacks. The video tape, showing a man who was allegedly Osama bin Laden discussing and bragging about his role in the 9-11 attacks, was shown on American television along with Arabic-English translations of the conversations. Did you know that this tape has since been recognized as a fake? Not many news media reported this. The "Osama" in the tape is actually a known Egyptian militant who is not as tall and much too heavy to be Osama. I'll just bet you didn't know that tape was a fake! It wasn't reported on CNN.
Now we have had another audio tape allegedly from Osama. We were told that it is "proof" that he committed the 9-11 attacks. The "Osama" voice is apparently saying that the so-called 10th hijacker who was charged in American courts is actually innocent, but the real purpose of the tape is to acknowledge Osama's admission of ordering the 9-11 attacks. Well, hold on because now it appears that this tape is also fake. It's yet another Bush disinformation camapign to make people angry at Islamics and Arabs and to continue the blame game and justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as a prelude to yet another miserable war in Iran.
The latest audio tape attributed to Osama bin Laden appears to be one more installment in a succession of evidence fabricated by the US government to deceive the American people, according to Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
"This tape is only the latest in a series of fabrications intended to mislead the American people," said James H. Fetzer, the society's founder. "The closer we get to revealing the truth about 9/11, the more furiously the government fights to conceal it!" He said members of Scholars and other experts had detected evidence of fakery.
In this new recording, a voice attributed to Osama bin Laden asserts that Zacarias Moussaoui was not involved in 9/11, which he knew to be the case because he had personally assigned the 19 hijackers involved in those events. The Osama of this tape thereby implicitly confesses his responsibility for orchestrating the attacks. However, in a tape released on December 27, 2001, the authenticity of which is not in doubt, Osama denied having had anything to do with 9/11. "Moreover," Fetzer added, "some of the 19 hijackers he 'personally assigned' have turned up alive and well."
To be sure, this new tape is not the first one in which bin Laden appears to take responsibility for the attacks. As David Ray Griffin, a prominent member of Scholars, points out, "The Osama on the video tape that appeared on December 13, 2001, confessed to planning the 9/11 attacks. But he is far darker and much heavier than the real Osama bin Laden. People can see the difference by looking up 'The Fake bin Laden Video Tape' on Google."
Griffin's point is supported by a work-in-progress by members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which appears on its web site under the heading, "9/11: Have we been lied to?" It offers evidence of fakery in some of the videos based upon various physical properties of the figures that are presumed to be Osama, pointing out that there are differences in the ears, cheeks, eyebrows, length of the nose and shape of the nostrils. "The use of computer analysis can 'fine tune' these questions of facial characteristics," Fetzer said, "but the gross differences already show they are not the same."
"Another problem with the video of December 13, 2001," Griffin pointed out, "was that its stocky bin Laden praised two of the alleged hijackers, Wail M. Al-Shehri and Salem al-Hazmi, by name, and yet both the London Telegraph and the Saudi embassy reported several days after 9/11 that al-Hazmi was still alive and working in Saudi Arabia. Given the fact that the earlier video in which Osama confessed was clearly a fake, we should be suspicious of this latest apparent confession."
A professor at Duke, Bruce Lawrence, who has published Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden, expressed profound skepticism about a tape that was released January 17, 2006, in a report that appeared two days later. "There's nothing in this from the Koran," Lawrence said. "He's, by his own standards, a faithful Muslim who quotes scripture in defense of his actions. There's no quotation from the Koran in the excerpts we got, no reference to specific events, no reference to past atrocities." Lawrence also observed the tape ran only 10 minutes, whereas the shortest previous tape, at 18 minutes, was nearly twice as long.
Fetzer noted that many of the same anomalous properties are found in the latest tape. "Compared to Osama's past performances," he observed, "this message is too short, too direct, and full of falsehoods. It was even described on CBS News by Bob Schieffer as 'almost American'." A translation of the text of the tape has also been released by IntelCenter, a private company that does contract work for the US government. "I suppose I would be accused of being a 'conspiracy theorist' to suggest there is any connection," Fetzer added.
Authentic Voice/Fake Content
Informed that Reuters news agency has reported confirmation that the voice on the tape is indeed that of Osama bin Laden, Fetzer replied, "The fact that the voice is his does not prove that the tape is authentic. We have had phony tapes before using voices that were authentic. Mark Bingham, a passenger on Flight 93, is supposed to have called his mother and said, 'Hi, Mom, this is Mark Bingham!' His mother confirmed it was his voice, but does anyone seriously believe that Mark Bingham would have used his last name in identifying himself to his mother?"
Griffin agreed, adding, "Back in 1999, William Arkin published an article entitled, 'When Seeing and Hearing isn't Believing' (which can also be accessed on Google). Describing the new technology of 'voice morphing' (or 'voice synthesizing'), Arkin explained that, if audio technicians have a recording of your voice, then they can create a tape in which your voice‹your authentic voice!‹says anything they wish."
In a press release on April 22, 2006, the Scholars observed that a tape played at the trail of Zacarias Moussaoui included discussion among the passengers about using a drink cart to break down the cabin door alleged to have been picked up on a cockpit voice recorder, which does not record conversations in the passenger cabin. "This is not the first and certainly will not be the last time that the American government plays the American people for suckers," Fetzer said.
"We have just acquired new evidence that the Pentagon video tapes were processed and manipulated in an apparent effort to distort or conceal what happened there on 9/11," Fetzer observed. "Apparently, whenever the government feels the need to bolster the official myth about 9/11, it simply fabricates a new tape! Anybody who wants to keep score should visit our web site."
Scholars for 9/11 Truth is a non-partisan society of experts and scholars dedicated to exposing falsehoods and establishing truths about the events of 9/11. It maintains a web site at st911.org, where it archives its studies, documents, records and evidence.
Top Bin Laden Expert: The Tapes are Fakes
As a PhD in Islamic and Arabic Studies, I hate to say this, but I’ll say it anyway. The events of 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. The war on terror itself is as phony as the latest “Bin Laden tape.” (Guardian 04)
It’s tough to admit because I know on which side my bread is buttered - and dropping Islam from the 9/11 equation is like dropping my bread butter-side-down. The myth that 9/11 had something to do with has poured millions into Arabic and Islamic studies. I finished my PhD in 2005, so all I have to do is keep my eyes in my pocket and my nose to the ground, parrot the party line, and I’ll be on the fast track to tenure.
The trouble is, it’s all based on a big lie. Take the recent “Bin Laden tape,” - please! That voice was no more Bin Laden than it was my late Aunt Corinne from Peoria. I recently helped translate a previously unknown Bin Laden tape, a real one from the early 90’s, back when he was still alive. I know the guy’s flowery religious rhetoric. The recent tape certainly wasn't him.
The top American Bin Laden expert agrees. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies Department, has just finished a book of translations of Bin Laden’s speeches. He says the recent tape is a fake and that Bin Laden has been dead for years. (ABC 2004).
Ersatz Bin Laden tapes “verified” by the CIA are nothing new. Every Bin Laden statement since 2001 has been blatantly bogus. The last we heard from the real Bin Laden were the following words recorded by Pakistani journalists: “I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation . . . I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks on the United States . . . I had no knowledge of these attacks. . .” (Wiki 2004)
Then, on December 13, 2001, as George Bush was whining about the “outrageous conspiracy theories” that were spreading like wildfire, the first and shoddiest of the “Bin Laden Speaks from the Grave” tapes appeared. The video’s sound and picture quality were horrible. It showed a big guy with a black beard, doing a passable imitation of Bin ’s voice, claiming foreknowledge, if not responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and chortling over their success. The trouble was, the big guy was clearly not Bin Laden. He was at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier and his facial features were obviously different. (911Res 2005)
The “Fatty Bin Laden tape” was widely ridiculed and I have yet to meet an informed observer who considers it authentic. (If you haven’t figured this out yet, go back and look at the images from the tape and compare them to other images of Bin Laden.) But the media let the fraud pass without asking the hard questions. Why was the US government waving this blatantly fake “confession” video in our faces?
Perhaps due to the widespread hilarity evoked by Fatty Bin Laden, the next Ousama-from-beyond-the-grave message had no images: It was an audio tape delivered to al-Jazeera in the fall of 2002. The CIA verified it as “authentic,” but ended up with egg on its face when the world’s leading voice identification experts at IDIAP in Switzerland reported that “the message was recorded by an impostor.” (Guardian 2002)
Every Bin Laden message since then has been equally phony. They are released at moments when the Bush regime needs a boost - and the American (mainstream) media go along with the fraud. Remember the bogus Bin Laden tape that made headlines right before the 2004 elections? If you didn’t figure out that it was a CIA-produced commercial for George Bush, I have some great bridges to sell you. Walter Cronkite, bless his heart, opined that Karl Rove was behind that tape. (CNN ) But the rest of the media just kept pretending that the Emperor was clothed.
And the fraud continues. Last week’s [need a date if you don’t want this article to age prematurely] Bin Laden tape has been ridiculed by America’s top Bin Laden expert, yet the US media gamely held its tattered fig leaf over the Emperor’s loins. Professor Lawrence believes that the tape was designed to distract world opinion from the horrific massacre of Pakistani civilians by an errant CIA drone. But it may have another, more sinister purpose: To prepare public opinion for another false-flag 9/11-style attack designed to trigger a US-Israel nuclear attack on Iran. (AC 2005)
As our top Bin Laden expert Professor Lawrence says, the real Bin Laden, who insisted that he had nothing to do with 9/11, has been dead since 2001. The fake messages have been fabricated by al-CIA-duh to support the Bush regime and its phony “war on terror.” It is time for Americans to rise up against the masters of synthetic terror who have been looting the US taxpayer, torching the Constitution, demolishing the economy, and threatening a nuclear Armageddon.
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